sematic['si'mætik]adj. [動]具有警告作用的
sematic 令人警惕的;層狀液晶;層狀液晶;使警戒的;sematic color 保護色;Sematic Web 語義網絡;語意網;
1.By adding the comprehension of sematic relation, a better testing result is gained. 最後建立了一個原型系統,取得較好的實驗結果。
2.HowNet established a way to represent sematic knowledge by describing the relationship between the words, as well as the relationship between the words' properties. 知網從描述詞語之間的關係以及屬性之間的關係入手建立了中文詞語語義知識的表示方法。
3.The sixth part of this thesis explains the reason of the internal difference level of defensive modality, by the way of comparing the sematic using and the degree of the modality. 本文第六部分,通過比較語氣副詞「並」、「可」、「又」、「才」在話語使用中表義的差別和口氣的強弱,對申辯性口氣內部強弱層級的成因做出解釋。