Electress Sophia of Hanover 王位應該傳給漢諾威選帝侯夫人索菲亞;Sophia International Hypnotists Inst 蘇菲亞國際催眠學院;Sophia Marceau 蘇菲·瑪索;Sancta Sophia 聖索菲亞大教堂;CERAM SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS 索菲亞-安提波利斯高等商學院;
1.The Song of Songs - known as Song of Solomon or Canticle of Canticles - speaks of Solomon's marriage to Holy Sophia. 雅歌——也稱為所羅門之歌或者聖詠——說到了所羅門與神聖的索菲婭結了婚。
2.In 1918, the Canadian steamship "Princess Sophia" foundered off the coast of Alaska; nearly 400 people perished. 1918年的今天,在阿拉斯加海岸,加拿大的索菲亞公主號汽輪沉沒,將近400人喪生。
3.For example: Louvre Palace of Paris, the west nurse's large gladiatorial field of Rome, holy Sophia cathedral. 例如:巴黎盧浮宮,羅馬可裡西姆大鬥獸場,聖索菲亞大教堂。
4.Hagia Sophia is the great architectural landmark at the heart of Istanbul, with its four minarets poised like moon-bound rockets. 位於伊斯坦布爾市中心的海依牙·索非亞教堂是地標性的偉大建築,它的四座光塔聳立著,像要呼嘯飛往月球的火箭。
5.Sophia checked the sobs with an immense effort. 索菲婭盡了很大努力「止住」了哭泣。