





strikeer[straik]vt. 擊,打,敲擊: 例句:He's struck by his father.他挨了父親的打。to strike the door用力敲門給予(一擊): 例句:He was struck by a heavy blow.他受到重重的一擊。撞擊,碰撞;衝擊: 例句:His car directly struck a tree.他的汽車一頭撞到了樹上。The big waves struck the rocks of the bank.巨浪拍擊著岸邊的岩石。打掉,擊斷;砍掉: 例句:She struck a glass of wine in my hand.她一掌打落了我手中的一杯酒。(自然力或超自然力)擊毀,摧毀: 例句:The old tree was struck by lightning.那棵古樹遭到了雷擊。May God strike you dead!讓老天爺劈死你吧!把…刺入,使穿透(常與 into 連用): 例句:to strike a dagger into one's chest把短劍刺入某人的胸膛His remarks struck a tremble into her heart.他的話令她感到不寒而慄。打出(火花等);打(火): 例句:to strike sparks on the rocks在岩石上打出了火花擦燃(火柴): 例句:He quickly struck a match to light her cigarette.他急忙擦著一根火柴,為她點燃了香煙。(聲音)傳入…的耳中,被感受到;(光)照在…上,照到: 例句:His gruff hoarse voice struck my ears.他那粗重嘶啞的嗓音傳入了我的耳中。Sun strikes him, warming him sleepy.太陽照在他身上,暖洋洋的令其昏昏欲睡。使看到;使聽到: 例句:You can take the first object in my room that strikes your eyes.你可以拿我屋中你第一眼看到的東西。使想起;使突然想到;使認為: 例句:A happy thought struck her.她的心頭突然湧出一個愉快的念頭。It strikes me that he's right a tough nut to crack.在我看來,他可是個難對付的傢伙。給…(某種)印象,給…以深刻印象;引起…的感情(或情緒等);感動,影響: 例句:How does she strike you?你對她印象如何?He gave me a vase, which strikes my fancy.他給了我一隻花瓶,這只花瓶很中我的意。He struck them as a stupid boy.他們感到他不是個聰明的孩子。使引人注目;使喜愛: 例句:We were all struck by his remarks.我們都被他的話吸引住了。She was gradually known and struck by the audience.她漸漸得到觀眾的認可和喜愛。使產生(或引起)(某種感情);使處於(某種狀態): 例句:to strike fear into a person使某人懼怕I was struck with fear.我被嚇呆了。採取…的態度;擺出…的姿勢: 例句:She always liked to strike a noble pose.她總是喜歡擺出一副高貴的樣子。使瞬間感受到(冷淡、熱心等): 例句:I was struck with ease after finishing the article.寫完那篇文章之後,我突然感到一陣輕鬆。發現(石油、礦物等)突然(或偶然)發現;遇到,邂逅: 例句:I struck the name of a friend of mine in the newspaper.我在報紙上突然發現了我朋友的名字。She was the most beautiful girl I had ever struck.她是我見到過的最漂亮的姑娘。(植物、插枝等)生(根);扎(根)達成(協議或合同等);清算,結算: 例句:to strike a compromise達成妥協to strike a balance結算賬目拆除;收起: 例句:to strike a tent拆帳篷to strike one's umbrella收起傘具刪掉,取消: 例句:to strike some words from the last paragraph從最後一段中刪去幾個字to strike an appointment取消約會撤去(或拆除)(佈景、道具等);搬掉…的舞台布景: 例句:to strike a set撒去佈景把(舞檯燈光)調暗,把(舞檯燈光)關閉: 例句:to strike the top lights關閉頂燈【航海學】 落下(或取下)(帆、桅等)降下(帆、旗子等)(降旗)向…表示致意(或投降)(用索具)把…吊入貨艙【狩獵】從獵鷹頭上揭掉(頭罩)【釣魚】 (魚)上釣拉釣絲鉤住(魚)用魚叉叉(鯨魚)【機械學】弄平,使平滑用斗刮磨平;用斗衡量(穀物等)鑄(硬幣);沖壓,壓制: 例句:to strike a medal in commemoration沖壓紀念章斬去,砍掉(常與 off 連用): 例句:Illness struck him off from social contacts.疾病令他中止了社會交往。The butcher struck off a chop.屠夫砍下了一片帶骨肉。【建築工程】抹光(灰漿接合處)(鍾等)敲響報(時): 例句:The clock struck 2.鍾敲兩點。(疾病等)突然侵襲;使突然患病(或死亡);使遭受折磨(常與 down 連用): 例句:The plague struck the whole of Europe.瘟疫襲擊了整個歐洲。Apoplexy struck him down.他因患中風而死去。Flood struck the town this summer.今年夏天該城遭受水災。攻擊,進攻: 例句:We will strike the town tomorrow.明天我們將向該城市發起攻擊。(被打得)突然失(明),突然失(聰等)使突然啟動;使突然開始: 例句:The horse struck a gallop.那匹馬突然飛跑起來。來到,到達;沿著…走: 例句:We'll strike London before dark.天黑前我們可以到達倫敦。Striking this direction,we can catch them up at once.沿著這個方向我們能很快追上他們。估算,求出: 例句:to strike an average算出平均數to strike an approximate value求出近似值(作為強制手段)停止(工作),(下班或用餐時)丟下(工作)罷(工、課等);在…罷工(或罷課等);罷工反對(僱主): 例句:The players struck their boss for the payment.球員們為要求老闆加薪而罷賽。The trade union decided to strike the whole country.工會決定在全國舉行大罷工。向…突然提出緊急要求: 例句:She struck me to sue for a divorce.她突然向我提出要求離婚。畫(直線);用(尤指直線)畫…的邊緣抓傷;(用毒牙)咬傷【音樂】彈奏,演奏;演奏出…的音調(或和弦等)【法律】選擇(或組成)(陪審團)【昆蟲學】產卵於[方言]磨平;捋: 例句:to strike one's hair撫平頭髮[廢語]作(戰)vi. 擊,打: 例句:to strike with a hammer用錘子擊打to strike at someone with fists用雙拳擊打某人叩,輕敲: 例句:to strike at the door叩門攻擊,進攻;襲擊: 例句:Our troops struck at dawn.我們的部隊在黎明時發起了進攻。碰,撞;衝擊;(船)觸礁: 例句:to strike on the wall撞在牆上to strike against a reef觸礁(疾病)侵襲;受災: 例句:At that time the plague struck in Europe.那時鼠疫侵襲歐洲。發出敲擊聲: 例句:The bell of the church struck to call the worshippers to prayer.教堂的鐘聲敲響,讓信徒們作祈禱。(時鐘等)敲點報時;(時間)被鳴報: 例句:He was coming as 8 just struck.剛剛敲響八點,他就走了進來。刺透,穿透: 例句:to strike through the clouds穿透雲層(火柴)被擦著,被點燃: 例句:I saw everything clearly in the room as the match struck.火柴擦亮後,我看清了屋內的一切。(光線)照射;(聲音)被聽到;被感受到(常與 on 或 upon 連用): 例句:The golden light of the lamps struck over the room.金黃色的燈光照在屋內。A feeling of wet struck on my face.我臉上有種濕漉漉的感覺。(心臟)跳動,悸動: 例句:My heart struck rapid as I heard someone come in.當我聽到有人走進屋子時,我的心怦怦直跳。打動,給人以(深刻)印象: 例句:His stone face struck cold and strict.他那張毫無表情的面孔給人一種冷冰冰嚴厲的感覺。突然想到;突然發現(常與 on 或 upon 連用): 例句:I struck on a way of resolving their differences.我突然想出了消除他們之間分歧的方法。(游泳時)擊水;(划船時)划槳,划水: 例句:Having exhausted the feul,we had to strike to the bank.燃油用完之後,我們不得不划水把船靠了岸。出發,行進,前進: 例句:We'll strike out at dawn.我們將在拂曉時分出發。突進,急衝: 例句:His car struck into a shop.他的汽車突然衝進了商店。罷工(野獸、蛇等)抓;咬(獵犬)嗅到獵物氣味【釣魚】 (魚)上釣,咬餌急拉釣線把魚鉤住【航海學】 下帆降旗致意降旗(或升白旗)投降[美國英語] 【海軍】努力工作,力爭(與 for 連用): 例句:He is striking for Ensign.他正在努力工作以獲得少尉軍銜。【陸軍】(為獲得額外收入)自願為軍官做勤務【音樂】彈奏(或演奏)樂器刪去,劃掉;取消: 例句:The reception has struck.原定的招待會已經取消了。【生物學】 (牡蠣)附著(種子)發芽;(植物)生根(藥物)生效,起作用n. 擊,打,敲攻擊,襲擊;空襲機組罷工;罷課;罷賽;罷市[1768]刮板,刮斗器,斗刮(礦藏等的)意外發現;意外成功;幸運【棒球】 (擊球員的)擊球失敗(投手投出的)好球,正球被接手接住的犯規輕打;第三次犯規短打(兩次以內未被接手接住的)犯規擊球(比較 ball1)【保齡球】 一球擊倒全部木瓶一球擊倒全部木瓶的得分[參較 spare]【鐘錶】打點報時裝置【房屋建築】(門窗的)鎖舌片,門鼻子【釀造】(啤酒等的)質量;品級;濃度【釣魚】 (魚)咬餌猛拉釣線鉤住魚【鑄造】一次的鑄幣量【機械學】一次沖壓成的徽章量【地質學、礦物學】 走向構造線的方向【植物學】生根,扎根【獸病理學】(羊的)皮膚蠅蛆病不利,挫折【冶金學】觸擊電鍍膜短語: be struck by(或 with)被…所侵襲(或襲擊)為…所感到,被…所觸動,被…打動;被…所迷惑be struck on 非常喜歡[常用於否定句]call a strike 號召(或發動)罷工go(或 come out) on(a)strike 舉行(或進行、實行)罷工have two strikes against one [美國口語]處於極其不利的地位(或狀態);難於獲得成功on strike 在罷工strike a bad patch 倒霉;遭不幸strike a bargain 成交;達成協議strike a blow against 反對strike a blow for 支持,捍衛strike a chord 引起共鳴,觸動心弦strike a cutting 插枝使生根strike a false note 寫(或做)得不恰當strike a (或 the)happy medium 採取折中辦法,走中庸之道strike a light擦火柴,打著火柴[口語]把話說清楚[口語]哎唷,該死!strike a note(of) 發表(…的)看法(或意見);給人留下(…的)印象strike a pose 擺出一種姿勢,裝腔作勢strike alarm into 使膽戰心驚,使充滿恐懼strike an attitude = strike a posestrike an upbeat note 樂觀strike at the root(或 roots)of 設法摧毀…的基礎,根絕;破壞strike below 入艙;搬到下面strike below the belt 見 hit below the beltstrike camp 收起帳篷;撤營,拔營strike dread into = strike alarm intostrike fear into = strike alarm intostrike fire(用火石等)打火;(用火柴)擦火引起熱烈反響,激起熱情strike from(或 off)the rolls 從(律師)名冊上取消(某人的)名字;吊銷(某人的)律師執照strike oil鑽探到石油[口語]大獲成功,稱心如意;暴富strike one's(或the)colours 降旗投降;認輸strike one's(或 the)flag投降,停止抵抗,認輸【海軍】艦隊司令解職strike out on one's own 自謀生計strike pay dirt 見hit pay dirtstrike root 見 take rootstrike sail(為致敬或遇風暴)突然下帆認輸,投降;屈服strike someone as 使某人產生…的感覺;給某人以…的印象strike someone dumb 使某人啞口無言,使某人驚訝得目瞪口呆strike someone's(或 the)eye 映入眼簾,顯眼,引人注意strike sparks out of someone 激發某人的才智;引得某人大發精闢的議論strike terror into someone's heart 使某人膽戰心驚strike the ball under the line [口語]失敗;未達到目的strike twelve 顯出全副本領;獲得最大成就strike while the iron is hot. [諺語]趁熱打鐵。變形: struck 或 strook , struck 或 stricken , striking


strikeer blinds 斷電觸點;strikeer psaved 斷電盤;


1.His car directly struck a tree. 他的汽車一頭撞到了樹上。

2.The big waves struck the rocks of the bank. 巨浪拍擊著岸邊的岩石。

3.She struck a glass of wine in my hand. 她一掌打落了我手中的一杯酒。

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