sunderingv. 分離,切開(sunder的現在分詞形式)
Sundering 天崩地裂;分離;The Sundering 天崩地裂;大決裂;Great Sundering 大災變;Sundering Attack 割裂攻擊;破甲箭;Sundering Vitae 粉碎活力;
1.Then came the Burning Legion and the Great Sundering, which shook ancient Kalimdor to the bedrock. 然而,燃燒軍團的來臨和世界大分裂震盪了整個原始卡利姆的岩床。
2.When the Great Sundering shattered the world, mountains pierced the earth and the night elves fled north. 當大分裂破壞了世界的完整,山峰破土而出,暗夜精靈們也都逃往北方。
3.From their beginnings as lords of Kalimdor to the devastation of the Sundering and the rise and fall of the Gurubashi and Amani empires, the trolls share a blood-stained history. 他們自文明的開始就是卡利姆多的霸主,直到在永恆之井大爆炸時衰落,以及古拉巴什和阿曼尼帝國的崛起和敗落,巨魔所經歷的,是一部血腥的歷史。