albusn. (拉丁)白色;鉛白adj. (拉丁)白色的
Albus 阿不思;性別遊戲;白色的;阿布斯;Alcaligenes albus 白乳桿菌;Symphoricarpus albus 毛核木;Albus Severus 佛勒斯;Monopterus albus 黃鱔;黃鱔 漁農;
1.Albus Dumbledore: I'm afraid so, professor. The good and the bad. 阿不思.鄧不利多:是真的,麥教授。有好消息,也有壞消息。
2.Objective: To Study the antitussive effects of phenylalanine extract of Staphylococcus albus . 目的:研究白色葡萄球菌苯丙氨酸提取物的鎮咳作用。
3.Albus Dumbledore: You must be wondering why I brought you here. Harry Potter: Actually sir, after all these years I just sort of go with it. 鄧布利多:「你必須知道,為什麼我把你們帶到這裡來。」哈利·波特:「其實先生,經過這麼些年,我已經知道別無選擇。」
tumor albus pyogenes - 化膿性白腫
n.白色放線菌 - actinomyces albus
n.白色乳桿菌 - alcaliyenes albus
n.白色桿菌 - bacillus albus
n.白色乳桿菌 - bacillus lastis albus
白帶 - fluor albus
n.白苔癬 - lichen albus
n.白色細球菌 - micrococcus albus
n.白色小球菌 - pediococcus albus
n.白交通支 - ramus communicans albus
n.白色葡萄球菌,白色細球菌 - staphylococcus albus
n.白色化膿性葡萄球菌 - staphylococcus pyogenes albus
n.白色鏈球菌 - streptococcus albus
n.白色鏈黴菌 - streptomyces albus
n.白腫 - tumor albus
n.化膿性白腫 - tumor albus pyogenes