





indirect diuretic 釋義:間接利尿劑;indirect negation and affirmation 委婉否定和肯定;INDIRECT FOOD SUBSTANCES AFFIRMED AS GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS SAFE 被確認為一般認為安全的間接食品物質;indirect aiming 間接瞄準;indirect approach 間接法;間接路線;間接方法;間接路線;


1.Loss of Property includes both direct loss and indirect loss. Loss of property to indirect loss is result from property which are in increment. 財產的損失包括直接損失和間接損失。間接損失是違法行為對處於增值狀態中的財產損害的結果。

2.Presents the study status of indirect evaporative coolers, including plate-fin, tube, heat pipe, dew point and semi-indirect types. 介紹了間接蒸發冷卻器,包括板翅式、管式、熱管式、露點式及半間接式蒸發冷卻器的研究進展。

3.Both direct and indirect somatic embryogenesis can obtain in most species in these plants, but mainly in an indirect way. 薔薇科植物體胚發生多數是直接發生途徑和間接發生途徑同時存在,但以間接發生途徑為主。

4.This paper discusses structure characteristic and design theory of three type indirect dryer and developing trend of the indirect dryer. 本文介紹了已完成開發研究的三種間接式乾燥機的結構特點和設計理論,並對間接式乾燥機的發展趨勢進行了展望。

5.Presents the study status of indirect evaporative coolers, including plate-fin, tube, heat pipe, dew point and semi-indirect types. 介紹了間接蒸發冷卻器,包括板翅式、管式、熱管式、露點式及半間接式蒸發冷卻器的研究進展。


binocular indirect ophthalmoscope - 雙目間接檢眼鏡

reducible indirect hernia - 可復性腹股溝斜疝

indirect laryngoscopy - 喉反射鏡檢查

n. quilled type indirect pilot - 套管軸式間接導向器

n. Detroit type indirect arc furnace - 底特律型間接電弧爐

n. headed type indirect pilot - 有頭式間接指示燈

indirect action of noxious substance - 有害物質間接作用

strangulated indirect inguinal hernia - 絞窄性腹股溝斜疝

indirect inguinal hernia - 腹股溝斜疝

abdominal ballottement; indirect ballottemen - 腹部衝擊觸診

n. headed type indirect pilot - 遮擋型間接導向器

indirect bilirubin - 間型膽紅素

hemobilirubin; indirect reacting bilirubin - 間應膽紅素

indirect infection; mediate contagion - 間接傳染

indirect action; indirect effect - 間接作用

indirect light reflex - 間接光反射

indirect immunofluorescence - 間接免疫螢光

indirect immunofluorescent assay - 間接免疫螢光試驗

indirect blast injury - 間接衝擊傷

abdominal ballottement; indirect ballottemint - 間接衝擊觸診法

indirect agglutination - 間接凝集反應

indirect agglutination test - 間接凝集試驗

indirect analyusis - 間接分析

indirect division - 間接分裂

indirect judgement - 間接判定

indirect stimulation - 間接刺激

indirect wallerian degeneration - 間接華勒氏變性

n. indirect pressure - 間接壓力

indirect reversed hemagglutination test - 間接反向血球凝集試驗

indirect reaction - 間接反應

indirect reacting bilirubin - 間接反應膽紅素

indirect development - 間接發育

indirect indirect metamorphosis - 間接變態

indirect percussion; mediate throry - 間接叩診法

indirect auscultaton; mediate auscultaion - 間接聽診法

indirect laryngoscope - 間接喉鏡檢查

indirect retainer - 間接固位體

n. indirect pilot - 間接導向器

n. indirect pilot feed - 間接導向送料

n. indirect pilot feed - 間接導桿送料

indirect coombs method - 間接庫姆斯氏法

indirect coombs test - 間接庫姆斯氏試驗

n. indirect pilot - 間接引導

n. indirect spring-operated knockout - 間接彈簧作用脫模

n. indirect spring-operated knockout - 間接彈簧脫模

indirect sign - 間接徵象

indirect inhibitor - 間接抑制劑

indirect anti-humanglobulin test - 間接抗人球蛋白試驗

indirect antiglobulin test - 間接抗球蛋白試驗

n. indirect extrusion - 間接擠壓法


n.雙目間接檢眼鏡 - binocular indirect ophthalmoscope

螢光抗體間接法 - fluorescene antibody indirect method

n.間接測定 - indirect indirect determination

n.間接變態 - indirect indirect metamorphosis

n.難復性腥肌溝斜疝 - irreducible indirect inguinal hernia

n.可復性腹股溝斜疝 - reducible indirect hernia

n.絞窄性腹股溝斜疝 - strangulated indirect inguinal hernia

n.間接法標準化率 - zstandardized tate ny indirect method

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