n. dirt ball ,louse ,worm
insect['insekt]n. 昆蟲;卑鄙的人
insect 昆蟲;昆蟲名稱;名詞] 昆蟲;昆蟲類動物;social insect 社會性昆蟲;社會昆蟲;釋義:群居昆蟲,社會性昆蟲;insect control 昆蟲防治;病蟲害防治;insect repellent 驅蟲藥;殺蟲劑;釋義:昆蟲驅避劑,驅蟲劑,驅避劑,昆蟲忌避藥;驅蟲藥,驅蟲劑;insect bite 昆蟲咬傷;蟲咬皮炎;昆蟲咬;蚊蟲咬傷;
1.The butterfly is an innocent insect. 蝴蝶是一種無害的「昆蟲」。
2.The insect has stings. 當心,這昆蟲有刺。
3.Play the Bingo Game. Review: grandpa, grandma, daddy, mommy, brother, sister, Insect, jet, and key. 玩賓果遊戲。複習:爺爺,奶奶,爸爸,媽媽,哥哥,姐姐,昆蟲,噴氣機,鑰匙。
The insect is trapped in the spider's web. - 蜘蛛捕捉纏在網上的昆蟲。
Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do the harm to us or our belongings. - 此外,蜘蛛不同於其他食蟲動物,它們絲毫不危害我們和我們的財物。
One can tell the difference almost at a glance, for a spider always has eight legs and insect never more than six. - 人們幾乎一眼就能看出二者的差異,因為蜘蛛都是8條腿,而昆蟲的腿從不超過6條。
neurotropic insect borne virus - 嗜神經性蟲媒病毒
insect borne; insectborne - 昆蟲傳播的
insect immunogen - 昆蟲免疫原
ecdysone; insect moulting hormone; molting hormone - 昆蟲變態激素
insect bite; insectbite - 昆蟲咬傷
insect vector - 昆蟲媒介
insect dermatitis - 昆蟲性皮炎
insect dispersion - 昆蟲散佈
insect ecology - 昆蟲生態學
insect viruses - 昆蟲病毒
insect box; insectbox - 昆蟲盒
insect moulting hormones - 昆蟲蛻皮激素
insect bite; insectbite - 毒蟲咬傷
insect getting into the ear - 百蟲入耳
bite by insects and beasts; injury inflicted by insect or animal bite - 蟲獸傷
insect bite; insectbite - 蟲咬
insect dermatitis - 蟲咬皮炎
insect vector - 蟲媒
chinese wax; insect wax - 蟲白蠟
insect powder - 除蟲粉
chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium; dalmatian chrysanthemum; insect flower; pyrethre; pyrethrum carneum - 除蟲菊
insect repellent - 驅昆蟲劑
n.水生昆蟲 - aquatic insect
n.惡蟲叮咬傷 - bite by poisonous insect
吸血昆蟲,吸血害蟲 - blood sucking insect
n.害蟲 - destructive insect
n.蟲獸傷 - injury inflicted by insect or animal bite
n.狹食性昆蟲 - monotrophic insect
n.嗜神經性蟲媒病毒 - neurotropic insect borne virus
害蟲 - noxious insect
n.寄生昆蟲 - parasitic insect
有毒昆蟲 - poisonous insect
n.廣食性昆蟲 - polytrophic insect
n.社會性昆蟲 - social insect
貯谷昆蟲 - stored grain insect
貯谷害蟲,儲藏食品害蟲 - stored product insect