royalen. 蛋糕飾塊(用作湯中飾菜)
royale 羅亞爾綢;蛋糕飾塊;雙側滑;皇室套房;Banque Royale 更名為皇家銀行;royale china 簡稱偌亞奧中國;Park Royale 御豪山莊;Note Royale 上帝信使;
1."Yes, I know the story, " said Merrick. "It happened in the Rue Royale. You sent Jesse Reeves to investigate the vampires. 「是的,我知道那個故事,」梅瑞克說:「這事發生在魯羅耶,你將潔西·麗維送來調查吸血鬼。
2.May I congratulate you on your decision to spend the summer with Oxford Royale Academy: here begins your idyllic summer of learning, adventure and culture. 請容我慶賀您加入牛津大學皇家英語研習營的暑期課程。現在開始您將會體驗到一連串的學習與挑戰。
3.THE PRETEXT of an opera engagement was so much the more feasible, as there chanced to be on that very night a more than ordinary attraction at the Academie Royale. 和人約定要去看戲這個借口倒是很能令人相信的,因為碰巧那天晚上皇家戲院比平時更具吸引力。