





n. exfoliation ,graduated table ,musical scale ,scale leafv. descale ,surmount


Scale[skeil]n. 規模;比例;鱗;刻度;天平;數值範圍vi. 衡量;攀登;剝落;生水垢vt. 測量;攀登;刮鱗;依比例決定


scale 比例尺;氧化皮;縮放;音階;Logarithmic scale 對數尺度;對數尺;對數比例尺;對數刻度;scale efficiency 規模效率;規模效Deaiweight scale 載重圖表;grey scale 灰色樣卡;灰色標度;灰度標尺;灰度標;


1.Please put them on this scale. 請把它們放在重量稱上。

2.Close the Joint Display Scale window. 關閉關節顯示比例窗口。

3.The Joint Display Scale window appears. 關節顯示比例窗口出現。


Well, this unit here on display is a full scale assembly of our latest machine. - 哦,這裡所展示的這一部是本公司最新機器的全套設備。

A recent survey of the effects of noise revealed (surprisingly?) that dogs barking incessantly in the night rated the highest form of noise pollution on a scale ranging from 1 to 7. - 最近一個有關噪音的作用的調查(令人吃驚地)指出,夜間連續不斷的狗叫聲,在一個從1級至7級刻度表上應列為最嚴重的噪間污染。


mckarthy scale; wechsler intelligence scale for children; wisc - 兒童智力表

n. scale zero point - 刻充盤零點

n. scale zero point - 刻度零點

preparative scale chromatography - 制備型色譜法

preparative scale sample - 制備級試樣

cattell infant intelligence scale test - 卡太爾氏嬰兒智力等級試驗

n. multiple scale analysis - 多度分析

large scale integration - 大規模集成電路

balance pan; scale pan - 天平盤

n. small scale yielding - 小規模產量

moss scale of hardness - 摩氏硬度計

wechsler adult intelligence scale wechsler - 氏成人智力等級

taylor manifest anxiety scale taylor - 氏焦慮表現度

wittenborn psychiatric rating scale wittenborn - 氏精神病等級標準

n. scale inhibition - 氫化禁止

n. scale inhibitor - 氧化抑止劑

n. scale breaker - 氧化皮清除器

full scale deflection - 滿刻度偏轉

full scale response - 滿刻度響應

gray scale display - 灰階顯示

scale on the screen of oscilloscope - 示波管屏面刻度

scale factor - 等級因素

n. scale control - 表面控制

wechsler memory scale wechsler - 記憶力等級

verbal scale of iq; verbalscaleofiq - 語言智標

verbal scale of iq; verbalscaleofiq - 語言的智商等級

scale reading - 讀標

range scale; scale of distance - 距離刻度

rating scale for mania - 躁狂評定量表

n. scale loss - 銹皮減少

n. scale breaker - 除鱗器

wechsler interlligence scale for children - 韋克斯勒氏兒童智力等級


n.開爾芬氏溫標 - absolute scale

n.絕對溫標 - absolute temperature scale

n.滿刻度吸收度單位 - absorbance unit full scale

n.酸鹼度 - acid-base scale

n.焦慮量表 - anxiety scale

n.原子量標度 - atomic weight scale

n.自動體重秤 - automatic weighing scale

n.天平標尺 - balance scale

n.波美氏比重標度 - baume scale

n.玻美比重標,博梅氏比重標 - baumes scale

n.行為量表 - behavior rating scale

n.本諾依氏標度 - benoist scale

n.二進制標度 - binary scale

n.比-西二氏智力量表 - binet-simon scale

骨鱗 - bony scale

安片,苞片翳障 - bract scale

芽鱗 - bud scale

換算表 - calibration scale

n.卡太爾氏嬰兒智力量表 - cattell infant intelligence scale

n.卡太爾氏嬰兒智力等級試驗 - cattell infant intelligence scale test

n.百分溫標,攝氏溫標 - celsius scale

n.攝氏溫度標 - celsius thermometric scale

n.百分溫標,攝氏溫標 - centigrade scale

n.校準表 - claibration scale

平衡錘,平衡重 - counter scale

櫛狀標尺,櫛樣鱗 - ctenoid scale

圓鱗,丸樣鱗 - cycloid scale

眠氣尺度表 - drowsiness scale table

n.電子動物秤 - electric animal scale

n.電子稱 - electronic scale

n.心電圖計算尺 - electrocardiogram scale

n.腦電圖尺 - encephalogram scale

n.乙醚蒸發濃度計 - ether vapor concentration scale

n.華氏溫標 - fahrenheit scale

n.軟性肋骨尺 - flexible rib measuring scale

n.腦額葉測量器 - frontal lobe scale

n.滿刻度 - full scale

n.滿刻度偏轉 - full scale deflection

n.滿刻度響應 - full scale response

硬鱗 - ganoid scale

n.分度標 - graduated scale

灰度級,灰度標 - gray scale

n.灰階顯示 - gray scale display

風標 - gust scale

n.霍爾登氏標度 - haldane scale

n.硬度標 - hardness scale

n.水平標度 - horizontal scale

n.嬰兒秤 - infant scale

n.創傷嚴重程度等級 - injury seriousness scale

總苞片 - involucral scale

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