





multiple-speed motor multi-speed motor poly-change speed motor 多速電動機;multiple-speed motor multi-speed motor poly-change speed motor 多速電動機;multiple-speed motor multi-speed motor poly-change speed motor 多速電動機;multiple-speed motor multi-speed motor poly-change speed motor 多速電動機;multiple-speed motor multi-speed motor poly-change speed motor 多速電動機;


1.With the emulator, the motion control board could realize T-mode speed-up and speed-down controlling, S-mode speed-up and speed-down controlling, beeline interpolation and arc interpolation. 通過對程序的仿真調試,運動控制卡能夠實現兩軸聯動中的梯形曲線的加減速控制、S形曲線加減速控制、直線插補和圓弧插補。

2.Portamento in the process of moving speed, to the provisions of the current music speed, to ensure that complete in a fixed rhythm, should not have the freedom to change the playing speed. 滑音過程中的移動速度,要因當前樂譜的規定速度而定,要確保在固定節拍內完成,切忌自由更改演奏速度。

3.Anolog speed signal VEL from SDC is also taken as speed feedback signal to form speed loop in gun servo system. SDC輸出的模擬速度信號VEL還可以作為速度反饋信號以構成火炮伺服系統中的速度回路。

4."movements adjustments" may be plastic knob movements Block motor speed regulation, regulation speed range 0 ----- 3 m / min, stepless speed regulation; 「升降調節」旋鈕可對膠座升降電機進行速度調節,調速範圍0-----3米/分鐘,無級調速;

5.The article introduces high speed spindle vector controller, rapid response servo system and RISC system for ultra-high speed CNC machine tool and other accessory functions for high speed cutting. 文章就超高速數控機床控制系統的高速主軸矢量控制器、快速響應的伺服系統、精簡指令集計算機系統及高速切削中的其它輔助功能作一介紹。


A pentiunIII 500 can run at 8 times the speed of a DX4 100. But is also runs a lot hotter. - 奔騰III 500 的速度比DX4 100 要快8倍,但運行時散發的熱量要更大。

The speed limit here is 60 miles an hour. - 這兒限速為每小時六十英里。

Yes, our production speed is almost twice the industry-wide average. - 是的,我們的生產速度是其他工廠兩倍。

Didn't you see the speed limit? - 難道你沒看見限速牌嗎?

The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour -- much faster than any of its rivals. - 獲勝的那輛車達到了時速40英里--遠遠超過任何對手。

Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, - 儘管坎貝爾達到了每小時超過304英里的速度,

After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. - 比賽結束後,坎貝爾非常失望地得知他的平均時速是299英里。

His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. - 他的平均時速實際是301英里。

This greatly reduced the speed of the ship, - 這樣一來,大大降低了船的航速。

But nothing can match them for speed and comfort. - 但就速度與舒適而言,飛機是無與倫比的。

The comparable speed from the Moon is only 1.5 miles per second. - 而從月球出發的相應速度只是每秒1。5英里。

namely 6 million million miles.) Radio waves also travel at the speed of light, - 即6萬億英里)。無線電波也是以光速傳播的。


universal high speed refrigerated centrifuge - 萬能高速冷凍離心機

low speed centrifuge - 低速離心機

n. double sided high speed press - 雙柱高速壓力機

speed agility run - 變速跑

table type low and medium speed centrifuge - 台式低中速離心機

n. differential speed rolling - 差速滾軋

speed code - 快速代碼

n. speed muller - 快速研磨機

slow phase velocity; speed of slow component - 慢相速度

n. speed of testing - 檢測速度

n. speed of testing - 檢驗速度

n. precipitation hardening type high speed steel - 沉澱硬化型高速鋼

fluid current meter; fluid speed meter - 液體流速計

n. sintered high speed steel - 燒結高速鋼

n. linear-motor-type high speed forming machine - 直線運動型高速成形機

n. linear-motor-type high speed forming machine - 直線驅動式高速成形機

centrifugal speed regulator - 離心調速器

n. speed of ion - 離子速度

n. self-regulating high speed bath - 自動調節高速洗液

n. self-regulating high speed bath - 自動調節高速鍍液

speed of registration - 記錄速度

ultra-high speed x-autoradiography - 超高速X放射自顯影術

n. speed of travel - 運行速度

n. speed compensation - 速度補償

speed regulator - 速度調節器

high speed autoradiography - 高速放射自顯影術

high speed handpiece - 高速機頭

high speed sterilizer - 高速消毒器

high speed liquid chromatograph - 高速液體色層分析儀

high speed liquid chromatography; highspeedliquidchromatography - 高速液相層析

high speed liquid chromatograph - 高速液相色譜儀

high speed liquid chromatography; high-speed liquid chromatography; highspeedliquidchromatography - 高速液相色譜法

high speed filter; ultrafilter - 高速濾池

n. high speed electro-chemical molding - 高速電化學制模

n. high speed electroforming technique - 高速電成形技術

n. high speed electro-chemical molding - 高速電路

n. high speed electroforming technique - 高速電鑄技術

n. high speed plating bath - 高速電鍍槽

n. high speed plating bath - 高速電鍍液

n. high speed grinding - 高速研磨

n. high speed grinding - 高速磨削

high speed centrifuge - 高速離心機

n. high speed steel material - 高速鋼料

n. high speed steel powder - 高速鋼粉

n. high speed hammer - 高速錘

n. high speed zinc plating - 高速鍍鋅

high speed scintillation autoradiography - 高速閃爍放射顯影術

high speed scintillation autoradiography - 高速閃爍放射自顯影術


n.離心調速器 - centrifugal speed regulator

n.控制風速 - controlled wind speed

n.計速表 - counter speed

齒科高速切削器 - dental high speed equipment

齒科高速切削法 - dental high speed technique

排泄速度 - excretive speed

眼球速度記錄 - eye speed recording

n.液體流速計 - fluid speed meter

n.絮狀反應速度 - flocculation speed

n.高速 - high speed

n.高速放射自顯影術 - high speed autoradiography

n.高速離心機 - high speed centrifuge

n.高速濾池 - high speed filter

n.高速機頭 - high speed handpiece

n.高速液體色層分析儀,高速液相色譜儀 - high speed liquid chromatograph

n.高速液相層析,高速液相色譜法 - high speed liquid chromatography

高速減緩壓力 - high speed relief pressure

n.高速閃爍放射顯影術,高速閃爍放射自顯影術 - high speed scintillation autoradiography

快速CT - High Speed Spiral CT

n.高速消毒器 - high speed sterilizer

尿排泄速度 - in-urine excretion speed

n.初速度 - initial speed

肝淨化速度 - liver scavenging speed

n.低速離心機 - low speed centrifuge

n.最大眼球速度 - maximal eye speed

n.運算速度 - operating speed

n.程序速度 - program speed

n.跑速 - running speed

掃瞄整流 - scan speed

n.台式低中速離心機 - table type low and medium speed centrifuge

n.超高速X放射自顯影術 - ultra-high speed x-autoradiography

n.萬能高速冷凍離心機 - universal high speed refrigerated centrifuge

步行速度 - walking speed

n.風速 - wind speed

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