dynastic[di'næstik,-kəl]adj. 王朝的;朝代的
dynastic 朝代的;朝代;dynastic order 朝代次序;Dynastic Cycle 朝代循環;Dynastic Utility 王朝效用函數;dynastic changes 改朝換代;
1.In the mythology, Europe was associated with the past, with British redcoats at Concord , absentee landlords, dynastic pride. 在神話裡,歐洲使他們想到過去,想到康科德的英國兵、在外的地主、王朝的尊嚴。
2.He is not on the ballot, after shamelessly betraying his own anti-dynastic principles by bequeathing the right to run for his seat to his son. 他沒有參與選舉,而是將自己的位子贈送給了他的兒子——無恥的背叛了他聲稱的反對世襲制的原則。
3.Through such endeavours, together with the copious dynastic histories and district records, China has had no " dark ages " in the evolution of its 5000-year old civilisation. 因為有這一方面的努力,加上豐富的歷代斷代史和方志,中國在5000年文化的演變過程中,未曾有過一個「黑暗時代」。