sendmailn. 發送郵件
sendmail 發送郵件;傳送郵件;發送信箱;(發送郵...;about sendmail 我有一個很奇怪的問題;Sendmail Security 柯憲昌;killall -HUP sendmail 置文件;Based on Sendmail 寫一個可以發附件的程序;
1.More information on sendmail is available in Chapter
7. 關於發送郵件的較多資訊在第7章是可得的。
2.The chkconfig command can be used with grep to determine the run levels in which sendmail will run. Here we see it will run at levels 3 and
5. 命令行工具和文檔搜索工具的配合使用可以讓你決定郵件服務器的運行等級。下面的命令可以讓郵件服務器運行在3級和5級。
3.In order to determine whether this property holds, the analyser may create a compacted CFG that contains only calls to GetEmailAddress and SendMail. 為了確定該特性是否有效,分析器可能產生一個緊密型CFG,它只包含對GetEmailAddress和SendMail的調用。