sizesn. 象素顯示尺寸,尺寸(size複數形式)
Sizes 規格;尺寸;口徑;大小;Star sizes 恆星的體積;Plus Sizes 大尺碼;Document Sizes 文檔大小;Standard Sizes 標準尺寸;
1.We find out what icon sizes we need. 我們找出我們需要的圖標大小。
2.Computers and robots could be reduced to extraordinarily small sizes. 電腦和機器人的尺寸將可以縮得非常小;
3.To maximize the size of the Copyright message we will test 7 different Font sizes to determine the largest possible size we can use for the width of our Photograph. 為了最大化版權信息的大小,我們將測試7種不同的字體大小來決定我們能為我們的照片寬度使用的可能的最大大小。
It's available in a variety of sizes at convenience stores and department stores as well. - 有各種大小型號,在便利商店和百貨公司均有。
Before long, biscuits of all shapes and sizes began arriving at the factory. - 不久,形狀各異,大小不一的餅乾陸續送到工廠。
After her departure, Aunt Harriet discovered that there were piles of empty wine bottles of all shapes and sizes neatly stacked in what had once been Bessie's wardrobe. - 貝西走後,哈麗特姑媽發現在貝西以前用過的衣櫃裡整整齊齊地放著一堆堆形狀各導、大小不一的酒瓶子。