n. behaviour ,conduct ,demeanor ,doings
behavior[bi'heivjə]n. 行為,舉止;態度;反應
behavior 表現;性能;性質,性能;行為;leader behavior 領導行為;誘導行為;Organization Behavior 組織行為學;組織行為;組織行為之瞭解;組織行為;antisocial behavior 反社會行為;反社會舉動;反社會;反社會舉動〔行為;Herd Behavior 羊群行為;羊群效應;從眾行為;群體恐慌行為;
1.This man says the behavior of Italians was cruel. 這個男人說意大利人的行為是殘酷的。
2.Human behavior under stress is the subject of this study. 人類在壓力下的行為是這項研究的主題。
3.He should undertake the consequence which his behavior causes. 他應該承擔他的行為所導致的後果。
n. propagation behavior of fatigue crack - 疲勞裂紋的擴展行為
behavior medicine - 行為醫學
behavior shaping - 行為塑造
behavior disorder - 行為失常
behavior therapy; behavior treatment - 行為治療
behavior therapy - 行為療法
behavior science; behavioral science - 行為科學
behavior rating scale - 行為量表
behavior disorder - 行為障礙
惡癖,異常行為 - abnormal behavior
n.適應性行為 - adaptive behavior
n.攻擊行為 - aggressive behavior
反社會行為,反社會行動 - antisocial behavior
安撫行為,平靜行為 - appeasement behavior
攝食行為 - appetitive behavior
自私行為,反社會行為 - asocial behavior
嫌惡行為 - aversive behavior
迴避行為 - avoidance behavior
n.奇特行為,行為乖僻 - bizarre behavior
n.化學行為 - chemical behavior
n.兒童行為 - child behavior
小兒行動障礙 - child behavior disorder
循環行為 - circling behavior
條件行為 - conditioned behavior
認知行為療法 - congnitive behavior therapy
求愛行為,求愛 - courtship behavior
錯位行為,轉位行為 - displacement behavior
判別行為 - discriminative behavior
飲水行為,飲水行動 - drinking behavior
n.逃避行為 - escape behavior
n.探究行為 - exploratory behavior
攝食行為 - feeding behavior
定間隔行為 - fixed interval operant behavior
肉眼看到的 - gross behavior
保健行為 - health behavior
虎克行為,虎克性質 - hookean behavior
n.攝食行為 - ingestion behavior
先天行為,本能行為 - innate behavior
n.本能行為 - instinctive behavior
學習的行為 - learned behavior
運動行為 - locomotor behavior
母性行為 - maternal behavior
宏觀動作,整體動作 - molar behavior
n.望形態 - observation of physical condition and behavior
開放鹼行為 - open-field behavior
可控行為 - operant behavior
n.寄生習性 - parasitic behavior
前列腺抑制 - prosocial behavior
處罰性行為 - punished behavior
生殖行為 - reproductive behavior
n.保留行為 - retention behavior
自傷行為 - self-injurious behavior
n.性行為 - sexual behavior
社會行為失常者 - social behavior disorder
刻板行為,刻板活動 - stereotyped behavior
n.自殺行為 - suicidal behavior
恐哧行為 - threat behavior
n.暫時特性 - transient behavior
A型行為方式 - type A behavior pattern