beniton. [航空]飛機導航裝置
benito 飛機導航裝置;貝尼托;流行音樂;幸福的 男性 拉丁語;Hotel Benito 華國酒店;JOSE BENITO 貝尼托;Benito Archundia 貝尼托;阿曼多·阿琛迪亞;Benito Mussolini 墨索里尼;貝尼托·墨索里尼;本尼托·墨索里尼;
1.Benito Muller is director of energy and environment at Oxford Institute for Energy Studies and managing director of Oxford Climate Policy. 貝尼托
2.The once bombastic orator had himself lapsed into silence; in fact Benito Mussolini made only four public speeches during the entire course of the war. 那個曾經誇誇其辭的演說家緘默不語;實際上,貝尼托?墨索里尼在整個戰爭時期只進行了四場公開的演講。
3.The Food and Drug Administration says the spinach in the outbreak was grown in three California counties. They are Monterey, San Benito and Santa Clara. 糧食與藥物管理局稱,菠菜風波的罪魁禍首產於加利福尼亞的三個縣,分別為:蒙特雷、聖伯奈托、聖塔克拉拉。