alarmist[ə'lɑ:mist]n. 杞人憂天者;大驚小怪者adj. 危言聳聽的;憂慮的
alarmist 大驚小怪者;杞人憂天者;過敏的人;輕事重報者;The Alarmist 挑錯老闆上錯床;求愛警報;Skirk Alarmist 司克警報手;
1.The Pentagon's latest annual report on the Chinese military, published late last month, was widely criticized within China as biased and alarmist. 五角大樓上個月底公佈了有關中國軍事實力的最新年度報告,這份報告被中國內部普遍批評為帶有偏見和誇大其詞。
2.As the world and the Obama administration move into 2010, it is not foolish or alarmist to express concern about the intractability of the Afghan ulcer. 在世界和奧巴馬政府進入2010年之際,對阿富汗戰爭的棘手之處表示擔憂,並非愚蠢或杞人憂天。
3.Although the medical down sides of IVF are finally coming to light, many of the more alarmist predictions about where IVF would lead never came to pass. 雖說IVF在醫學上的缺點終究得以曝光,但當初認為IVF可能導致更嚇人的預測,有許多卻從未發生。