jama['dʒɑ:mə]n. [口]睡衣褲
JAMA 美國醫學會雜誌;日本汽車製造商協會;Journal of the American Medical Association;美國醫學協會期刊;Great Jama 巨型清真寺;Astictopterus jama 醃翅弄蝶;Jama Masjidi 德裡賈瑪清真寺;Jama Masjid 賈瑪清真寺;清真寺;迦密清真寺;賈瑪寺;
1.If JAMA is not careful how it implements its new policy, that may yet work against the first two goals. 如果JAMA不小心實行新政,將很可能與前兩個目標相違背。
2.They claim JAMA threatened to cut off access to its prestigious pages as punishment, but she denies that charge. 他們聲稱JAMA威脅取消他們在JAMA上刊登文章的資格作為懲罰,但是她不承認有這樣的威脅。
3.The JAMA report suggests that patients and employers alike would benefit from strategies to prevent the human, medical and productivity costs of a second heart attack. JAMA的報告建議患者和老闆都需要採取一些策略,以避免心臟病復發給人力、醫療以及財力造成的損失。