Mafioson. 黑手黨成員
Mafioso 黑手黨成員;秘密政黨成員;秘密恐怖集團成員;
1.On Monday, the Ministry of Culture issued a notice banning online games that feature Mafioso kingpins, marauding street gangs or any sort of hooliganism predisposed to organization. 本週一,文化部發佈了一項通告禁止網絡遊戲以黑手黨組織、街頭劫匪、或任何類型有流氓團伙傾向的情節為主題。
2.His only chance of discovering his identity and the assassin of his family is to accept the game that the Inspector has set up for him with the Businessman, the Mafioso and the Politician. 他的發現他的身份和他的家庭的刺客的僅機會是接受比賽審查員為他設定了有商人、黑手黨成員和政客的。
3.By Tuesday, a number of popular games, including "Godfather, " "Gangster" and "Mafioso Hitman, " had been excised from the ether, although scores of other violence-laden games were still available. 截至週二,一批熱門遊戲,包括「神父」「古惑仔」和「黑手黨殺手」,已經從網頁上撤下,儘管還有大批充斥暴力的遊戲仍在存在於網絡。