ruddersn. 方向舵;船舵(rudder的複數)
Rudders 方向舵;船舵;serial rudders 串聯方向舵;flanking rudders 側翼舵;twin rudders 雙舵;diving rudders 橫舵;升降舵;
1.Automatic pilot drives rudders by communicating with servo controller through CAN bus. 自動駕駛儀通過CAN總線與舵機控制系統通信,實現了對舵的分佈式控制。
2.Chinese seaman had axial rudders and other technological features not adopted by the sea going European ships until the middle of the 15th century. 中國海員使用的軸舵和其他技術部件直到15世紀中葉才為歐洲的遠洋船所採用。
3.The big rudders would snap off if turned directly, but, as Fuller famously said, "just moving the little trim tab builds a low pressure that pulls the rudder around." 大舵如果直接被轉動,大舵會斷裂,但是Fuller說過的一句有名的話是:「只要轉動的小舵能產生出一個帶動大舵的力量。