





n. coat ,covering ,finish ,finishing


coating['kəutiŋ]n. 塗層;包衣;衣料v. 給…穿上外衣;蓋上(coat的ing形式)


COATING 外套大衣;塗布被覆;塗料;覆蓋層;Dip coating 浸塗;浸漆;浸漬塗敷;浸漬塗布;Curtain coating 淋塗;幕塗屏;幕式噴塗層;濂塗法 (台) 簾幕法;coating material 塗蓋物質;表材;覆蓋材料;包覆料,塗料;coating repairs 塗裝修復;


1.See coating grain next fineness. 其次看塗料顆粒細度。

2.So, how to differentiate green coating? 那麼,如何鑒別綠色塗料呢?

3.In the course of color coating steel plate production, coating thickness directly effects product cost and quality. 彩色塗層鋼板的生產過程中,塗層的厚度直接影響產品的成本和質量。


coating compssion - 從壓包衣

n. photoelastic coating method - 光彈性塗敷法

n. photoelastic coating method - 光彈塗敷法

coating plastic - 包衣塑料

coating machine - 包衣機

thick coating of the tongue; thick fur - 厚苔

n. birefringence coating method - 雙折射塗層法

n. birefringence coating method - 雙折射塗敷法

n. diffusion coating process - 擴散塗層法

n. diffusion coating process - 擴散塗覆法

coating method - 放射自顯影塗膜法

n. mould coating process - 模型塗過程

n. fluidized bed coating process - 流動層塗法

dip coating autoradiography - 浸鍍放射自顯影術

n. coating thickness - 塗層厚度

n. coating thickness test - 塗層厚度試驗

n. coating density ratio - 塗層密度比

n. coating ratio - 塗層生成率

n. coating mass measuring test - 塗層質量測量試驗

n. coating sintered hard alloy - 塗層超硬合金

n. coating weight - 塗層重

n. coating weight measuring test - 塗層重量測試

n. coating surface - 塗層面

coating method - 塗敷法

n. coating density ratio - 塗料密度率

n. coating ratio - 塗料比率

n. coating line - 塗料線

coating operation - 塗漬操作

coating soltion - 塗漬溶液

n. coating film - 塗膜

n. zinc coating line - 塗鋅線

n. coating surface - 塗面

solution coating method - 溶液塗漬法

coating on the tongue; greyish coating of the tongue - 灰苔

n. electroplated coating of alloy - 電板合金塗覆

coating action - 蓋復作用

the aged-yellow coating of the tongue - 老黃

yellow and greasy coating of hte tongue - 舌苔黃膩

grimy fur; the dirty coating of the tongue; tongue fur - 苔垢

n. coating material - 被覆劑

n. coating weight - 鍍層重量

static coating method - 靜態塗漬法

coating electrostatic - 靜電包衣

n. Martin hard coating process - 馬丁硬塗層法

n. high efficiency coating method - 高效塗覆法


碳素塗層,碳素包被 - carbon coating

n.潤燥腐膩 - curdiness and stickiness of the tongue coating

n.浸染衣料,浸漬塗層 - dip coating

n.浸鍍放射自顯影術 - dip coating autoradiography

干法塗布 - dry coating

n.干壓包衣法 - dry pressure coating

n.動態塗漬 - dynamic coating

n.腸溶衣 - enteric coating

n.薄膜包衣 - film coating

膜覆蓋裝置 - film coating equipment

皮膜處方 - film coating formalation

膜制劑 - film coating formulation

膜系列 - film coating system

n.灰苔 - greyish coating of the tongue

n.望舌體和望舌苔 - inspection of the tongue body and coating

n.成層包衣,疊層包衣 - laminated coating

n.舌淡苔潤,舌疔 - pale tongue with moist coating

n.外層,外殼 - outer coating

丸劑包衣 - pill coating

保護性塗層,保護外衣 - protective coating

n.溶液塗漬法 - solution coating method

n.染苔 - stained tongue coating

n.靜態塗漬法 - static coating method

n.包底衣 - sub coating

n.糖衣 - sugar coating

n.老黃 - the aged-yellow coating of the tongue

n.苔垢 - the dirty coating of the tongue

n.厚苔 - thick coating of the tongue

n.白苔,舌苔 - tongue coating

牙垢 - tooth coating

n.舌苔黃膩 - yellow and greasy coating of hte tongue

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