





n. bolshevik ,loss ,red river ,rednessa. blood-red ,crimson ,flushed ,violent


n. gain


red[red]n. 紅色,紅顏料;赤字adj. 紅色的;紅腫的,充血的


red 紅色;藍色的;紅色的;random early detection;red card 紅牌;紅牌(表示判罰出場);紅牌(表;紅牌:;red jujube 紅棗;紅棗 英語學習網;紅棗海闊天空 外掛;Red Bean 紅豆;赤豆;紅豆紅;正紅豆沙;Red Mullet 紅鰹,可煎或紅燒 來吃;紅鰹(胭脂魚。可煎或紅燒);紅鰹;紅鰹,可煎或紅燒;


1.The girl 12 red hat is my sister. 戴紅帽子的女孩是我的妹妹。

2.Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green sit down. 紅色,黃色,藍色和綠色請坐下。

3.Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green stand up. 紅色,黃色,藍色和綠色站起來。


We have Coca, and red tea etc. - 我們有可口可樂,還有紅茶等。

Then you'll see a big old red barn. - 然後你就會看到一座舊的紅色大糧倉。

and then a big red barn. - 然後就是一座大的紅色倉。

I'm not so keen on red sports cars. - 我並不熱衷紅色跑車。

Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one's health a world of good. - 專家說偶爾喝杯經酒對身體很有好處。

I'm in the red again, would you mind lending me some money? - 我又 囊中羞澀了,借點錢給我吧。

A red sky at night indicates fine weather the following day. - 晚上天邊紅預示著明早天氣好。

Parents usually put a small red paper packet under their child's pillow. - 父母常常會在孩子枕頭下放一個小紅包。

The Red Cross supervised the distribution of food and clothing to the flood victims. - 紅十字會堅督分配食物和衣物給水災受害者。

Karl was so upset that he began to turn red with anger. - 卡爾非常驚訝,紅著臉開始生氣了。

The little boy grew red at the sight of the cute girl. - 那個男孩子見到可愛的女孩而滿臉通紅。

Gee, don't be mad, dear, red looks good on you. - 喏,親愛的,別生氣呀。紅顏色對於你再合適不過了。

The color from my red socks ran because I used hot water in the wash. - 由於用熱水洗,所以紅襪子的顏色滲出來了。

An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day. - 晚霞紅如火,曉色青如灰,定是晴朗天。

Neither fish nor flesh (nor good red herring). - 非驢非馬;不倫不類。

They're in red and white. - 他們穿著紅白相間的衣服。

A red tie will match that suit. - 紅領帶會配那件衣服。

The girl in red is his girlfriend. - 穿紅衣服的那個女孩是他的女朋友。

No, not that one. The red one. - 不,不是那本。是那本紅皮的。

In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. - 演出時她必須穿一條鮮紅色的裙子和黑色的長筒襪。

but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap. - 但突然它看見了醉漢,只見他正大聲說著粗魯的話,手裡揮動著一頂紅帽子。

It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail. - 它長著一個像馬一樣的頭,有著大的藍眼睛和閃閃發光的銀色皮膚,還有一條鮮紅色的尾巴。

Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off angrily. - 小黑盒子裡迸出火花,紅色燈泡發怒似地忽明忽暗。

There was no trace of fingerprints, but the inspector found a dirty red bundle that contained jewellery which the old lady said was not hers. - 巡官沒有發現指紋,卻發現了一個裝有珠寶的、骯髒的紅包袱。老婦人說那不是她的。

and zoomorphic animal shapes ablaze with red and gold and blue, - 還有用紅色、金黃色、藍色繪製的光彩奪目的獸形圖案,

and the red and gold of her superstructure ablaze with colour, - 金碧輝煌的船樓閃耀著燦爛的色彩。

We're out of the red adapters. - 紅色的接頭沒貨了。

It's red. It's a red car. - 紅色的,一輛紅色的車。

The one in the red coat. - 穿紅色上衣的那個。

Happy birthday! said the twins, and gave her a big red box. - 「生日快樂!」雙胞姐妹說,並將一個大紅盒子送給了她。

Happy birthday! said Polly, and gave Ann her present---a red feather. - 「生日快樂!」波利說,然後給安送禮物--一根紅羽毛。

When they were very young, Mr. Green sometimes dressed up in a red coat. But he doesn't do that now. - 在他們很小時,有時候格林先生穿上一件紅色的外套。但他現在不那麼做了。

It was made of red silk. - 它是用大紅絲綢做的。

The Red Roses are giving a performance at the People's Theatre. - 「紅玫瑰」演唱團將在人民劇院演出。


herb of red tassel flower; tasselblower - 一點紅

red cross society of china - 中國紅十字會

neutral red test - 中性紅試驗

radix salviae miltiorrhizae; red sange root - 丹參

artificial red blood cells - 人工紅血細胞

human red blood cell - 人紅細胞

red ochre - 代赭石

n. low red heat - 低赤熱

rabbit red blood cell - 兔紅細胞

frozen red cells - 冰凍紅細胞

hemorrhagic infarct; red infarct; redinfarct - 出血性梗塞

congolian red fever; murine typhus; murinetyphus - 剛果紅色熱

congo red test - 剛果紅試測驗

congo red pater; congo red test paper - 剛果紅試紙

cgrt; congol red test - 剛果紅試驗

pure red cell aginesis - 單純紅細胞再生不良

dimorphic red blood cell - 雙形線紅細胞

n. leaded red brass - 含鉛紅色黃銅

lead tetraoxide; minium; n. red lead - 四氧化三鉛

red arsenic glass; redarsenicglass - 四硫化砷

red wax mesh for frtention - 固位用紅蠟網

n. turkey red oil - 土耳其紅油

cells red cells.see erythrocyte - 增殖週期內細胞的再分佈

red degeneration of leiomyoma of uterus - 子宮平滑肌瘤紅色變性

pars parvicellularis nuclei rubri; parvicllular part of red nucleus - 小細胞部

brownish red or bloody urine - 尿黃赤或尿血

acute red atrophy of liver - 急性紅色肝萎縮

total red cell iron - 總紅細胞鐵

red sensitive pigment - 感紅光紅敏色素

red cone cells - 感紅視錐細胞

ineffective red cell iron turnover - 無效性紅細胞鐵轉換

eb; erythroblast; nucleated erythrocyte; nucleated red cell - 有核紅細胞

red ox hypothesis; redoxhypothesis - 氧化還原說

sedimented red cell - 沉降紅細胞

washed red cells - 洗過紅細胞

n. red mud - 海底紅泥

become red after ulceration - 潰後鮮紅

stippling red cell - 點彩紅細胞

specific red cell adherence test - 特異性紅細胞粘附試驗

scarlet r stain; scarlet red stain - 猩紅染劑

methyl red phenolphthalein - 甲基紅酚酞

fragmented red cell toripsy - 碎片紅細胞

sulonated castor oil; n. turkey red oil - 磺化蓖麻油

lead tetroxide; minlum; red lead; n. minium - 紅丹

n. red lead - 紅丹粉

n. red lead anticorrosive paint - 紅丹防銹漆

red milk - 紅乳

red cross - 紅十字

red cross hospital - 紅十字醫院

red cross health unit - 紅十字衛生站


n.面色紅潤光澤 - a red and bright face

n.胎赤 - abnormal red skin of infant

酸性紅 - acid red

n.急性紅色肝萎縮 - acute red atrophy of liver

n.茜草素紅 - alizarin red

茜紅S - alizarin red S

n.苯胺紅 - aniline red

n.人工紅血細胞 - artificial red blood cells

n.潰後鮮紅 - become red after ulceration

n.暗紅 - black red

n.磚紅色 - brick red

n.亮紅 - bright red

n.亮紅 - brilliant red

n.光輝活染紅 - brilliant vital red

n.尿黃赤或尿血 - brownish red or bloody urine

小驢紅細胞 - burro red blood cell

鎘紅 - cadmium red

n.卡紅,胭脂紅 - carmine red

n.增殖週期內細胞的再分佈 - cells red cells.see erythrocyte

櫻桃紅斑 - cherry red spot

n.雞紅細胞 - chicken red blood cell

n.氯酚紅 - chlorophenol red

n.二氯磺酞,氯苯紅 - chlorophenyl red

n.二氯磺酞,氯酚紅 - chlorphenol red

n.霍亂紅反應 - cholera red reaction

n.霍亂紅試驗 - cholera red test

n.鉻標記紅細胞 - chromium labelled red blood cell

n.可可紅 - cocoa red

n.酒紅色 - claret red

n.補體敏感型紅細胞 - complement-senstitve red blood cell

n.剛果紅 - congo red

n.剛果紅試紙 - congo red pater

n.剛果紅試測驗 - congo red test

n.剛果紅試紙 - congo red test paper

n.剛果紅試驗 - congol red test

n.剛果紅色熱 - congolian red fever

n.甲酚紅,甲紅 - cresol red

n.暗紅 - dark red

n.舌絳紅 - deep red tongue

n.雙形線紅細胞 - dimorphic red blood cell

n.鉻紅B - eriochrome red b

n.乙基紅 - ethyl red

n.赤色氧化鐵 - ferric red oxide

n.堅牢紅 - fast red

n.黃光酸性紅 - fast red a

n.紅肌纖維 - fiber of red muscle

食用藍色第一百零二號 - food red No.102

食用紅色第104號 - food red No.104

食用紅色第105號 - food red No.105

食用紅色第106號 - food red No.106


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