dyers['daiə]n. 染工,染色工;染房
jet dyers sizing machine 噴氣烘乾勢漿紗機;噴氣烘乾勢漿紗機;cleaners and dyers 洗染店;Dyers Woad Leaf 大青葉粉末;釋義:大青葉;Fabric printers and dyers 布料印刷機及染房;T dyers eve 黑色金屬;
1.Conditional word, can send fur clothing cleaners and dyers clean glazing, also can buy proper motion of leather brightening agent to be fur clothing glazing from the shop. 有條件的話,可送皮衣洗染店清潔上光,也可以從商店購買皮革光亮劑自行為皮衣上光。
2.Results: The agents of dyers woad leaf immersed with alcohol and dyers woad leaf granule have identical function in relieve fever, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity. 結果:大青葉醇沉物的解熱、抗炎及抗菌作用與同劑量大青葉顆粒劑前浸膏相同,其靛藍含量高於大青葉顆粒劑前浸膏。
3.This study laid a foundation for the development of Dyers Woad Leaf and done a profitable exploration for applying new technology and method to preparation process of Chinese medicine. 為開發大青葉制劑奠定了基礎,為新工藝新技術在中成藥製劑制備過程的應用做了有益探索。