feedingstuff['fi:diŋstʌf]n. (英)飼料(等於feedstuff)
feedingstuff 飼料添加劑;testing of feedingstuff 飼料品質檢驗;Bentonite of Feedingstuff 飼料級膨潤土;feed feedingstuff feedstuff fodder forage mash 飼料;
1.She threw the feedingstuff into the pond. 她把飼料灑進魚塘!
2.We are looking for all varieties of vitamin and other additives of feedingstuff grade to export, please contact us as soon as possible if you are interested. 我們長期求購個類飼料等級維生素和其他飼料等級添加劑用於出口,請有意向合作的公司盡快和我們聯繫。
3.Breeding chickens in orchard, combining feeding in house and outside, in this way, it can keep the hen houses clean and mangement easier, and save more feedingstuff and efforts. 果園裡養雞,通過捨飼與放養,既能保持圈捨清潔,又便於管理,比以前的家養方式節約飼料與精力。