Heliosn. 赫利俄斯(太陽神)
Helios 海洛斯;時光流逝;赫利俄斯;太陽神;Helios Partners 選擇赫利奧斯公司;HELIOS FLASH 太陽神閃耀;HELIOS REVERSE 太陽神逆轉;Helios Crew 主營 美國原裝旭明;
1.However, in the East, there were many solar deities, including the Greek Helios, who was largely displaced by Apollo. 然而,在東方,有很多太陽神,包括希臘的太陽神,主要地是以阿波羅來命名。
2.The very chariot that the Fire Speeds pulled across the sky every day, allowing the brilliance of Helios to shine down on all mankind. 正是那輛每天由火焰駿馬拉著穿越天穹,讓赫利俄斯的光輝得以照耀人間的戰車。
3.No distinction was made by the Greek poets of later times between Apollo and the sun-god, Helios . As little did the Romans distinguish between Apollo and Sol. 以後的希臘詩人,並不把阿波羅同太陽神赫利奧斯區分開來,就像羅馬人不大區分阿波羅與太陽神索爾一樣。