athanasy eternity immortality immortalization perpetuation perpetuity 不朽;perpetuity 永久持有權;永久年金;永續年金;永久;growth perpetuity 增長年金;deferred perpetuity 延期永續年金;perpetuity- 永遠;
1.China never recognised that agreement, nor indeed the treaties ceding Hong Kong island and Kowloon in perpetuity. 中國從未承認這份協議,這些條約也沒有把香港島和九龍永久割讓。
2.Dedicator intends this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights under copyright law, whether vested or contingent, in the Work. 奉獻者打算這奉獻受版權保護是在所有禮品和未來權利的永久的作罷的公開行為法律,是否既定或偶然,在工作。
3.These lands were granted to our family in perpetuity . 這些土地依法永遠歸我們家族所有。
4.This plot was bought for five years only, and that young chap wants a plot in perpetuity and a larger bit of ground: in the new part would be best. 這塊墳地的租用期才五年,而這個年輕人想要有一塊永久性出讓的、面積更大一點的墳地,最好是新區裡的地。
5.Hamlet gives the audience pleasant sensation not by its sensational plots, neither does it obtains its perpetuity by its insights to and criticism of the society. 文章認為,《哈姆萊特》既不是以情節的刺激性來贏得觀眾的「快感」,也不是以社會認知性和批判性來獲得存在價值的永恆。