pisco['piskəu, 'pi:s-]n. 皮斯科白蘭地(秘魯皮斯科城釀造的白蘭地酒)
Pisco 皮斯科;比斯科白蘭地酒;匹斯可;匹斯克;Pisco Formation 皮斯科組;ensaladas pisco 飲食:;Original Pisco Sour 原味皮斯科酸雞尾酒;Atacama Pisco Sour 阿塔卡瑪皮斯科酸;
1.The worst damage from the main earthquake was in the coastal cities of Ica and Pisco, south of Lima. 傷害最大的還是利馬南部兩個海濱城市愛卡和皮斯科發生的主震。
2.They were given hope when a man was pulled alive from the rubble of a collapsed church in the town of Pisco, more than 24 hours after the tremor. 震後24小時,在皮斯科鎮一座倒塌教堂的碎石裡,人們發現了一名倖存的男子,這使他們重新燃起了找到倖存者的希望。
3.They were given hope when a man was pulled alive from the rubble of a collapsed church in the town of Pisco, more than 24 hours after the tremor. 在震後24個多小時後,救援人員在皮斯科的一座坍塌教堂瓦礫中發現了一位倖存的男性後,這給他們帶了希望。