n. beat ,cycle ,regular recurrence ,speech rhythm
rhythm['riðəm, 'riθəm]n. 節奏;韻律
rhythm 節奏;韻律;節奏,旋律;牙律;circadian rhythm (近)晝夜節律;日夜節律;日週期節律;生理韻律;annual rhythm 年韻律層;年周性;年律動;cirannual rhythm 年節律;temporal rhythm 時間節律;
1.Angel or siren, rhythm, fragrance, light. 天使或妖婦,韻律,芳香,光線。
2.Stress and rhythm are important in speaking English. 說英語時,重音和節奏是很重要的。
3.Recently detected the life the rhythm is such quick! 最近查出了節奏是這樣快的生活!
I like this song very much, in terms of its rhythm and melody. - 我很喜歡這首歌,喜歡它的節奏和旋律。
for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. - 車輪與鐵軌間單調的嘎喳聲很快就會送你進入夢鄉。
rhythm method; safe period - 安全期避孕
arrhythmia detector; rhythm disturbance - 心律紊亂
rate and rhythm of pulse - 脈率與脈律
加速性自發性心定律,固有心室加速節律 - accelerated idioventricular rhythm
n.α節律 - alpha rhythm
n.房性逸搏性心律 - atrial escape rhythm
n.房性奔馬律 - atrial gallop rhythm
n.房性並行心律 - atrial para-systolic rhythm
n.房性反覆心律 - atrial reci-procal rhythm
n.房室節律 - atrioven-tricular rhythm
房室交界處節律 - atrioventricular junctional rhythm
房室結性節律 - atrioventricular nodal rhythm
房室節律,結性節律 - atrioventricular rhythm
n.基本電節律 - basic electric rhythm
n.基礎電節律 - basic electrical rhythm
基礎節律 - basic rhythm
n.二聯律 - bigeminal rhythm
n.二聯律 - bigeminy coupled rhythm
n.生物節律 - biological rhythm
奧克方程式 - Calender rhythm method
n.心節律 - cardiac rhythm
n.紊亂性心房律 - chaotic atrial rhythm
n.二十四小時節奏,生物鐘 - circadian rhythm
n.日週期節律 - circakian rhythm
月節律 - circalunar rhythm
年節律 - circannual rhythm
潮汐節律 - circatidal rhythm
n.環轉節律 - circus rhythm
n.競爭心律 - competitive cardiac rhythm
n.冠狀竇結性心律 - coronary nodal rhythm
n.冠狀竇心律 - coronary sinus rhythm
n.舒張期奔馬律 - diadtolic gallop rhythm
n.舒張期三音律 - diastlic triple rhythm
n.日週期節律 - diurnal rhythm
n.舒張早期奔馬律 - early diastolic gallop rhythm
n.異位心律 - ectopic cardiac rhythm
n.異位節律 - ectopic rhythm
n.逸搏心律 - escape beat rhythm
n.逸搏奪獲心律 - escape-captrue rhythm
脫逸節律,逸搏 - escaped rhythm
n.脈搏的張力和節律 - force and rhythm
固有節律,自然節律 - free running rhythm
奔馬律 - gallop rhythm
n.心臟奔馬律 - heart gallop rhythm
心搏率 - heart rate and rhythm
n.異時節律 - heterochronic rhythm
n.結性自主心律 - idionodal rhythm
n.室性自搏性節律,心室自身節律 - idioventricular rhythm
n.個體節律 - individual rhythm
n.等時節律 - isochronic rhythm
n.脈跳動節律不齊 - irregular pulse in rhythm
n.交界性並行心律 - junctional parasystolic rhythm
n.交接處心律,交界性節律 - junctional rhythm