write-protect['raitprəu,tekt]n. [計]寫保護
Write-protect notch 寫保護口;寫保護口 錄入保護缺口 寫入保護凹口;寫保護口其他縮寫;防寫缺口;write-protect tab 寫保護片;防寫開關;Attempted write-protect violation 試圖在寫保護的盤中寫入數據;WR-PROTECT Write Protect 寫保護;
1.For the
5. 25 inch floppy, when the write -protect notch is uncovered. The disk drive write data to the disk. 對5。25英吋軟盤來說,當寫保護槽是打開的時候,磁盤驅動器能向磁盤上寫數據。
2.Unlike the mini floppy, to write-protect a micro floppy, you simply move a built in slider; no adhesive strip is required. 不像小型軟盤那樣,為微軟盤加寫保護,只需移動盤內固有的滑片即可,不需要使用不干膠軟條。
3.A small piece that is placed over the write-protect notch on a diskette to prevent the recording of data so that prerecorded data will not be erased. 粘貼在軟盤寫保護槽上的薄片,用於阻止對磁盤的寫入,以保護軟盤上原有的數據不被抹去。