bylawsn. 章程;規章制度;細則(bylaw的複數)
bylaws 規章,規程;公司章程細則;規章,規程 規章,規程;地方或社團所訂的規章;corporate bylaws 公司章程;公司管理細則;公司章程細則;公司組織細則;School Bylaws 校憲;Inventor Bylaws 發明人法規;Our ByLaws 我們的會章;
1.AAA agrees to abide by all regulations and bylaws governing the association. 甲方同意遵守一切管理該協會的規章和條例。
2.The assistant secretaries, if any, shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the board of directors or these bylaws. 秘書助理(如果有)還應行使董事會或本章程隨時賦予的其他權力,並履行董事會或本章程隨時規定的其他義務。
3.Article 170 The securities dealers association and the stock exchange shall specify in its articles of association/incorporation or its bylaws provisions relating to arbitration. 第170條(仲裁事項之訂明)證券商同業公會及證券交易所應於章程或規則內,訂明有關仲裁之事項。