





atrial defect 房缺損;Bevelling defect 倒邊不良;birth defect 畸胎性;出生缺陷;先天缺陷;釋義:先天缺損,先天缺陷,出生缺陷;bony defect 骨質缺損;defect code 故障碼;不良;沒有良;


1.The direct signs of helical CT and pulmonary angiography included partial filling defect, mural filling defect, central filling defect or so-called railway-track sign, and total occlusion. 肺動脈栓塞的影像學直接徵象包括部分性充盈缺損、附壁性充盈缺損、中心性充盈缺損(即「軌道征」)、完全阻塞,間接徵象包括主肺動脈增寬、局限性肺紋理稀疏、肺梗死和胸腔積液。

2.and a defect management information area in which defect management information for managing the defective area is recorded. 和一個缺陷管理信息區,其中記錄了用於管理有缺陷區的缺陷管理信息。

3.The inwall spiral defect of aluminium alloy pipes during extrusion is a kind of serious defect that obey some laws. 鋁合金管材擠壓時在其內表面產生的螺旋紋狀擦傷,是一種有規律性的嚴重表面缺陷。

4.The study of defect is an important problem in the theory of meromorphic functions and their value distribution. Defect has an important influence upon the characteristrc of meromorphic function. 虧量問題一直是亞純函數值分佈理論的一個重要課題,虧量的大小影響著亞純函數的性態。

5.and a defect management information area in which defect management information for managing the defective area is recorded. 和一個缺陷管理信息區,其中記錄了用於管理有缺陷區的缺陷管理信息。


defect of maxilla - 上頜骨缺損

functional defect of neutrophilic granulocytes - 中性粒細胞功能缺陷

defect in humoral immunity; humoral immunity defect - 體液免疫缺陷

n. defect of raw material - 原材料缺陷

traumatic defect of brain meninges - 外傷性腦膜缺損

defect of membranous septum - 室間隔膜部缺損

n. defect of shape - 形狀不良

defect of endocardial cushions; endocardial cushion defect; endocardial cushions defect - 心內膜墊缺損

n. defect resistance - 抗缺陷性

n. defect in drawing - 拉伸缺陷

defect of finger tip - 指端缺損

filling defect of cecum - 盲腸鋇影殘缺

coloboma of lid coloboma of eyelid; defect of eyelid - 眼瞼缺損

cellular immunity deficiency; defect in cellular immunity - 細胞免疫缺陷

n. defect test - 缺陷試驗

defect of gastric wall - 胃壁缺損

defect of soft tissue of chest wall - 胸壁軟組織缺損

defect of meninges - 腦膜缺損

defect of complement system - 補體系統缺陷

n. defect annealing - 退火缺陷

hereditary defect of complement - 遺傳性補體缺陷

defect of penis - 陰莖缺損

defect of nose - 鼻缺損


n.醛固酮分泌缺陷 - aldosterone secretion defect

n.主動脈隔缺損 - aortic septal defect

主動脈肺動脈中隔缺損 - aorticopulmonary septal defect

n.主動脈肺動脈間隔缺損 - aorto-pulmonary septal defect

n.房缺損 - atrial defect

n.房間隔缺損,心房間隔缺損 - atrial septal defect

n.房間隔缺損,心房中隔缺損 - auricular septal defect

發天缺損,先天缺陷 - birth defect

n.骨質缺損 - bony defect

n.細胞膜缺陷 - cell membrane defect

n.趨化性缺陷 - chemotactic defect

n.補體缺陷 - complement defect

n.完全型心內膜墊缺損 - complete type endocardial cushion defect

n.先天性房間隔缺損 - congenital auricular septal defect

n.先天性顱神經缺陷 - congenital cranial nerve defect

n.先天性皮膚缺陷 - congenital cutanepus defect

n.先天不足,先天性缺損 - congenital defect

n.先天性外胚層缺損 - congenital ectodermal defect

n.先天性免疫缺陷 - congenital immune defect

先天性心 - congenital pericardial defect

n.羅惹氏病,先天性心室間隔缺損 - congenital ventricular septal defect

n.缺陷矯治 - correction of defect

n.缺陷矯治率 - correction rate of defect

n.杯口狀充盈缺損 - crateriform filling defect

楔狀缺陷 - cuneiform defect

n.發育缺陷 - developmental defect

n.心內膜墊缺損 - endocardial cushion defect

n.心內膜墊缺損 - endocardial cushions defect

n.酶缺陷 - enzyme defect

酶缺損 - enzymic defect

n.眉缺損 - eyebrow defect

纖維性皮質缺損 - fibrous cortical defect

n.充盈缺損 - filling defect

n.盲腸鋇影殘缺 - filling defect of cecum

n.中性粒細胞功能缺陷 - functional defect of neutrophilic granulocytes

n.基因缺陷 - gene defect

心肺缺損 - heart septal defect

止血缺陷 - hemostatic defect

n.遺傳缺陷 - hereditary defect

n.遺傳性補體缺陷 - hereditary defect of complement

n.遺傳性類因醇合成缺陷 - hereditary steroid synthetic defect

n.高位缺損 - high positioned defect

高位室間隔缺損 - high ventricular septal defect

n.體液免疫缺陷 - humoral immunity defect

n.氫檢出的室間隔缺損 - hydrogen-detected ventricular septal defect

n.房間隔缺損 - interatrial septal defect

n.室間隔缺損 - interventricular septal defect

n.心室內傳導障礙 - intraventricular conduction defect

n.內在缺陷 - intrinsic defect

n.碘有機化功能缺陷 - iodination defect

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