Euro bonds 歐洲債券;Cypriot euro coins 賽普勒斯的歐元硬幣;Baring High Yield Bond Fund - Euro Hedged Class 霸菱高收益債券基金 - 歐元避險單位;Mathematicians Find Euro Coins Land Heads Up 不對稱的歐元;EURO MBA 歐洲工商行政管理碩士;
1.They may like the idea of turning the euro into a petrocurrency but the euro and euro zone bond market cannot compete on liquidity with dollar markets. 它們也許喜歡把歐元變成一種「石油貨幣」(petrocurrency)的主意,但就流動性而言,歐元和歐元區債券市場都無法與美元市場相提並論。
2.Although the euro zone's citizen are using their own bank notes and coi , they are no longer stand-alone currencies, but subdivision of the euro. 歐元區居民仍在使用的紙幣和鑄幣已不再是獨一無二的貨幣,而是已成為歐元的一部分。
3.Still take the above example, we launch into 1 Euro then get extra 0. 1 Euro. 仍以上面的情況為例子,我們投入1歐元賺到了0。1歐元。
4.German newsmagazine chenspiegel, equipped with the hope to get from the Government $ 400 million euro of the del credere and 3 billion euro of loans. 據德國新聞雜誌《明鏡週刊》報道,海德堡希望能從政府手中得到4億歐元的信用擔保和3億歐元的貸款。
5.With the formal circulation of euro a day for every day approached, the euro zone has been isolated and out of Britain is eager to start. 隨著歐元正式流通的日子一天天走近,被歐元區孤立在外的英國也是摩拳擦掌。