lbaabbr. 邏輯區塊尋址(Logical Block Addressing);利比亞(Libya)
LBA logical block addressing;邏輯塊尋址;邏輯塊地址;邏輯區塊尋址;LBA LEEDS 英國;LBA Least Busy Alternative 最不忙選擇對像;Add LBA defects 按 LBA 添加壞道表;LBA Logical Block Address 邏輯塊地址;
1.This is not required with LBA, but we need to follow this rule in order to make happy old software (MS-DOS for example). 在LBA中,並不要求這樣。然而我們需要遵循這個規則,以便使得老的軟件可以使用(例如,MS-DOS)。
2.Instead of addressing sectors by their CHS (cylinder, head, sector) address they use LBA (Logical Block Addressing) mode. 他們使用LBA(邏輯塊地址)模式,而不是通過CHS地址來定位一個扇區。
3.Since only LBA addressing is being used to read sectors from HDD or DVD there's no need to worry about the CHS addressing support. 因為只有從HDD或DVD讀取塊內容的時候才會用到LBA地址擴展,所以我們並不需要CHS信息的支持。