Unscrambling the audience rating of TV program --the study of the method of improving province satellite audience rating 下一篇論文: 解讀電視節目收視率--提高省級衛視收視率的方法研究;MCR main control room maxium capacity rating maxium continuous rating 主控室:最大額定出力:最大連續出力;Unscrambling the audience rating of TV program --the study of the method of improving province satellite audience rating 下一篇論文: 解讀電視節目收視率--提高省級衛視收視率的方法研究;Aircraft Rating and Instrument Rating Examiner 飛機等級及儀表飛行等級標準評審主任 交通;飛機等級及儀表飛行等級標準評審主任;Rating Adviser 差餉估值顧問;
1.If a character's personal rating is more than 150 points below the team rating, they will earn points based on their personal rating instead of the team rating. 如果一名角色的個人等級比其隊伍等級低150以上,則他所獲得的點數將基於他的個人等級而不是隊伍等級。
2.What is" Surroundings Rating"? What is "Case Rating"?-How is Determined the Rating Current of Power Semiconductor Devices(I)? 什麼是「環境額定」?什麼是「管殼額定」?——電力半導體器件額定電流如何確定(一。
3.What is" Surroundings Rating"? What is "Case Rating"?-How is Determined the Rating Current of Power Semiconductor Devices(I)? 什麼是「環境額定」?什麼是「管殼額定」?——電力半導體器件額定電流如何確定(一。
4.What is" Surroundings Rating"? What is "Case Rating"?-How is Determined the Rating Current of Power Semiconductor Devices(I)? 什麼是「環境額定」?什麼是「管殼額定」?——電力半導體器件額定電流如何確定(一。
5.Then we analyzed the influential factors to student rating, superior rating and peer rating. 在此基礎上,我們進一步對學生評價、領導評價及同事評價結果的影響因素進行了分析。
verdum depression rating scale - 凡爾登抑鬱等級標度
verdun target symtom rating scale - 凡爾登靶症狀等級標準
wittenborn psychiatric rating scale wittenborn - 氏精神病等級標準
treatment rating assessment matrix - 治療等級評定真值表
behavior rating scale - 行為量表
manic-stste ratig scale; meanic-state rating scale - 躁狂狀態評定量表
rating scale for mania - 躁狂評定量表
n. rating number - 額定數
n.行為量表 - behavior rating scale
n.飛行適應性評價 - flight aptitude rating
n.躁狂狀態評定量表 - meanic-state rating scale
n.疾病分配指數,重症度分類 - pathologic index rating
n.自覺聽力衰竭率 - self rating
n.治療等級評定真值表 - treatment rating assessment matrix
n.凡爾登抑鬱等級標度 - verdum depression rating scale
n.凡爾登靶症狀等級標準 - verdun target symtom rating scale
n.氏精神病等級標準 - wittenborn psychiatric rating scale wittenborn