Tara-Who Averts Destruction Caused by Wind 救風災度母;Tara-Who Averts Destruction Wrought by Fire 救火災度母;Tara-Who Averts Earth-Born Calamities 救地災度母;Tara-Who Averts Evil Caused by Robbers 救盜難度母;Tara Conner 美國 -;
1.Melanie, bonneted and shawled, sedate in newly acquired matronly dignity, hung on his arm and the entire personnel of Tara, black and white, turned out to see Ashley off to the war. 媚蘭戴著帽子,圍著圍巾,挽著他的肩膀,儼然一副新少奶奶端莊文靜的模樣。塔拉農場所有的人,無論白人黑人,全都來為艾希禮送行。
2.that his carpetbagger friends done run the taxes way up sky-high on Tara. 他那個提包朋友大大提高了桃瑞園的稅金。
3.Tara: Excuse me; I would like to have two champagnes, please! 泰拉:不好意思;我要兩杯香檳,麻煩了!
4.Naturally, Pork and Dilcey and Mammy gave vent to loud guffaws at hearing the detractor of their beloved Tara set at naught. 自然,波克、迪爾茜和嬤嬤聽見這位對她們親愛的塔拉妄加誹謗的人受到了藐視,也樂得大聲哄笑了一陣。
5.Tara and Randy learn they must do a project together for science class. 塔拉和蘭迪聽說他們必須一起寫一個科學課的報告。