telegenic[,teli'dʒenik]adj. 適於電視廣播的,適於上鏡頭的
telegenic 電視廣播;適於拍電視;適於電視廣播的;適於拍攝電視;
1.With their new youthful and telegenic leader, the Labour party looks set to woo the voters. 在年輕又上相的黨魁率領下,工黨似乎篤定能贏得選民青睞。
2.In what was known as "Koizumi theatre", the telegenic reformer obtained extensive television coverage by replacing LDP candidates who opposed his plans to privatise the postal system. 被人們稱之為「小泉旋風「而廣為傳頌——通過推行郵政系統私有化改革而獲得了媒體廣泛報道,並借此取代了反對他意見的自民黨候選人。
3.There was a lot of talk last year about how Barack Obama would be a "transformational" president — but true transformation, it turns out, requires a lot more than electing one telegenic leader. 去年曾人大談有關巴拉克·奧巴馬如何將成為一個「轉換式」總統,但是到頭來,真正的轉換要求的不單單是選舉一位電視明星。