adder viper 蝰蛇;Cherishing a Viper 所愛非人;Cobra Viper 蛇怪;Viper Halberd 蛇矛;rhinoceros viper 犀絲蝰;
1.He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper's tongue shall slay him. 他必吸飲虺蛇的毒氣.蝮蛇的舌頭也必殺他。
2.Rabat, Morocco: A viper snake glides over the face of a snake-charmer. 摩洛哥,一條劇毒蛇在一名弄蛇人的臉上滑行。
3.The court document reveals Chrysler has only received one offer for the Viper franchise. 法院文件顯示克萊斯勒只收到一個提供特許經營的毒蛇。
4.If necessary, he should sue for custody of the children, since being raised by this viper is not in their best interests. 有必要的話,他可以因為孩子的監護權起訴他們,由這個惡婦撫養,顯然是對孩子最不利的。
5.Rabat, Morocco: A viper snake glides over the face of a snake-charmer. 摩洛哥,一條劇毒蛇在一名弄蛇人的臉上滑行。
viper venom - 蝰蛇毒
積碳 - Gaboon viper
n.蝮蛇 - pallas pit viper
坑道蝰蛇,蝮蛇 - pit viper