





draft at sight sight draft 見票即付 即期匯票;domiciled draft 間接匯票;draft dodging 逃避服兵役罪;draft dodger 逃兵役者;逃避服兵役者;aft draft 艉吃水;後吃水;尾吃水;艉吃水 / 後吃水;


1.The mechanical draft cooling tower, which may be of the forced draft, induced draft, or ejector type, can be designed for most conditions because it does not depend on the wind. 機械通風式冷卻塔可以是誘導式、受迫式、噴射式的設計,因為它不依賴自然通風。

2.The mechanical draft cooling tower, which may be of the forced draft, induced draft, or ejector type, can be designed for most conditions because it does not depend on the wind. 機械通風式冷卻塔可以是誘導式、受迫式、噴射式的設計,因為它不依賴自然通風。

3.The mechanical draft cooling tower, which may be of the forced draft, induced draft, or ejector type, can be designed for most conditions because it does not depend on the wind. 機械通風式冷卻塔可以是誘導式、受迫式、噴射式的設計,因為它不依賴自然通風。

4.Article 38 Acceptance refers to a promise of a draft payer to pay the actual amount of draft when the draft is due. 第三十八條【承兌的定義】承兌是指匯票付款人承諾在匯票到期日支付匯票金額的票據行為。

5.Article 38 Acceptance refers to a promise of a draft payer to pay the actual amount of draft when the draft is due. 第三十八條承兌是指匯票付款人承諾在匯票到期日支付匯票金額的票據行為。


Here is our draft contract. - 這是我們草擬的合同。

Please go over the draft of the contract. - 請再看一下草案吧。

I propose issuing a time draft for US $ 100,000. - 我建議開具價值10萬美元的遠期匯票。

When will this time draft fall due? - 期票什麼時候到期?

This time draft will fall due at the end of this year. - 這張期票年底到期。

You may accept this draft by signing. - 請你們簽字"承兌。

What kind of draft beer do you have? - 你喝哪種扎啤?

Would you please read the draft contract and make your moments about the terms? - 請仔細閱讀合同草案,並就合同各條款提出你的看法好嗎?

Would you please read the draft contract and make your comments about the terms? - 請仔細閱讀合同草案,並就合同各條款提出你的看法好嗎?)


n. draft clearance - 側面間隙

forced draft cooling - 強制通風冷卻

n. draft control - 抽力控制

n. draft clearance - 拉伸間隙

n. draft angle - 煙囪錐度

n. draft control - 牽引力調節

n. draft compensation - 牽引補償

n. draft schedule - 牽拉工藝過程

n. draft clearance - 端間隙

n. draft of pattern - 花紋設計圖

n. draft schedule - 草圖明細表

n. draft of pattern - 起模斜度

draft chamber; draught chamber - 通風室

draft apparatus - 通風設備


n.強制通風冷卻 - forced draft cooling

n.機械通風 - mechanical draft

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