1.Erhu master George Gao's ensemble dress rehearsal of the erhu classic Horse Racing. 二胡演奏家高韶青和他的樂隊綵排賽馬。
2.Shaanxi Opera used musical instruments, the market has Banhu, Xianzai Second, the erhu, flute, san xian, pipa, qin, blowpipe and suona music, sea and flute, pipe, and large (speaker). 秦腔所用樂器,文場有板胡、二弦子、二胡、笛、三弦、琵琶、琴、吹管樂和嗩吶、海笛、管子、大號(喇叭)等。
3.However, he paralyzed, and can not do anything, and the family erhu, dulcimer, has become children's plaything. 但他癱了,什麼也幹不了了,家裡的二胡,揚琴,成了孩子們的玩物。
4.Accompaniment of traditional musical instruments, the text field to four HU, dulcimer, flute-based, or to the erhu, san xian, Sheng, cello; 傳統伴奏樂器,文場以四胡、揚琴、笛子為主,合以二胡、三弦、笙、大提琴;
5.This CD incorporates a global mixture of instruments, including the Chinese erhu, Japanese shakuhachi flute, East Indian tamboura and Tibetan bowls, as well as shimmering keyboard textures. 這張專輯裡加入了世界各地的樂器,包含中國二胡、日本簫、東印度的塔布拉琴和西藏缽,以及還是很閃亮的鍵盤樂器。