





a. infectious ,morbific ,pathogenic


infective[in'fektiv]adj. 有傳染性的,感染別人的


infective 傳染性的;會傳染的;可侵染的,有傳染性的;傳染的 傳染性的 感染性的;infective endocarditis 感染性心內膜炎;心內膜炎;感染性心內膜炎,惡性心內膜炎;infective stage 感染階段;感染期;感染階段?;傳染期;infective granuloma 感染性肉芽腫;釋義:傳染性肉芽腫;infectious infective 有傳染性的;


1.Objective To research the application of maggot therapeutics for repairing serious infective wound. 目的探討蛆蟲療法用於修復嚴重感染創面的應用體會。

2.Seen here in the finger at the right are small splinter hemorrhages in a patient with infective endocarditis. 圖示所見的是患有感染性心內膜炎患者的右側手指可見有小的裂片狀出血。

3.Conclusion An early surgery and using sufficient, full-dose, and sensitive antibiotic is an effective therapy for infective endocarditis. 結論早期手術治療及有效、足量、敏感的抗菌素應用是治療感染性心內膜炎的有效方法。


infective power; infectivity - 傳染力

guillain-barre syndrome; infective neuronitis - 傳染性神經元炎

hepatitis; infectious hepatitis; infective hepatitis - 傳染性肝炎

infective thrombosis - 傳染性血栓形成

communicable period; infective period; infective stage - 傳染期

infective agent - 傳染物

median infective dose; meeian infective dose - 半數感染量

egg infective dose - 卵感染劑量

median infective dose - 平均感染量

acute infectious polyneuritis; acute infective polyneuritis - 急性感染性多發性神經炎

acute infective lymphadenitis - 急性感染性淋巴結炎

acute infective hydrocele of tunica vaginalis - 急性感染性鞘膜積液

infective dose - 感染劑量

affectoi; infective agent - 感染因素

infectious shock; infective shock - 感染性休克

infective fistula of semicircular canal - 感染性半規管瘺

infective respiratory ststem disease - 感染性呼吸系統疾病

infective adhesion of pharynx - 感染性咽粘連

infective stricture of eustachian tube - 感染性咽鼓管狹窄

infective asthma - 感染性哮喘

infective stenosis of larynx - 感染性喉狹窄

infective anosmia - 感染性嗅覺缺失

infective degeneration of pituitary gland - 感染性垂體變性

infective hypertrophy of a denoids - 感染性增殖腺肥大

infective obstructive edema of glottis - 感染性聲門梗阻性水腫

infective stricture of urethra - 感染性尿道狹窄

infectious endocarditis; infective endocarditis - 感染性心內膜炎

infective hemorrhage of peritonsillar tissue - 感染性扁桃體周圍組織出血

infective hypertrophy of tonsil - 感染性扁桃體肥大

infective embolism - 感染性栓塞

infective asthma - 感染性氣喘

infective infiltrative laryngitis - 感染性浸潤性喉炎

infective rupture of lymphangion - 感染性淋巴管破裂

infective occlusion of lymphangion - 感染性淋巴管閉塞

infective thyroglossal cyst - 感染性甲狀舌管囊腫

infective stricture of rectum - 感染性直腸狹窄

infective degeneration of testis - 感染性睪丸變性

infective destruction of testis - 感染性睪丸破壞

infective sinus of testis - 感染性睪丸竇道

infective ankylosis of incudostapedial joint - 感染性砧鐙關節強硬

infective neuronitis - 感染性神經元炎

infective fibrosis of seminal vesicle - 感染性精囊纖維化

infective psychosis - 感染性精神病

infective conjunctivitis - 感染性結膜炎

infective gangrene of auricle - 感染性耳廓壞疽

infective deformity of auricle - 感染性耳廓畸形

infective myositis - 感染性肌炎

infective fistula of anus - 感染性肛瘺

infective stricture of anus - 感染性肛門狹窄

infective enteritis - 感染性腸炎


n.急性感染性鞘膜積液 - acute infective hydrocele of tunica vaginalis

n.急性感染性淋巴結炎 - acute infective lymphadenitis

n.格-巴二氏綜合征,急性感染性多發性神經炎 - acute infective polyneuritis

n.抗感染的,抗感染藥;n.抗感染藥 - anti infective

n.慢性感染性鞘膜積液 - chronic infective hydrocele of tunica vaginalis

n.慢性感染性淋巴結炎 - chronic infective lymphadenitis

n.卵感染劑量 - egg infective dose

n.半數感染量,平均感染量 - median infective dose

n.半數感染量 - meeian infective dose

n.最小感染量 - minimum infective dose

n.新生兒感染性乳腺炎 - neonatal infective mastitis

吸毒帶殺的疾病 - opportunistic fungi infective disease

n.組織培養感染劑量 - tissu culture infective dose

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