prelapsarian['pri:læp'sεəriən]adj. 人類墮落前的
1.All that now seems to belong to a distant, prelapsarian, naive age. 現在看來,這些終究只是那個遙遠、純潔而又天真的年代才有的。
2.He has tried to re-create a kind of prelapsarian downtown where there is no crime or homelessness. 他試圖重建一種天真無邪的市區,那裡沒有犯罪、沒有無家可歸者。
3.China last year gave the lie to several myths of the prelapsarian era. De-coupling is bunkum and even turbo-charged engines can lose steam. 過去一年,中國證明伊甸園時期的數個神話都是不實的。所謂與世界經濟「脫鉤」論已是無稽之談,甚至連高速增長的引擎也可能會失去動力。