Uraabbr. 城市復興管理局(Urban Renewal Administration);尿嘧啶(等於uracil)
Ura 尿嘧啶;UTRAN Registration Area;臀部;Urban Redevelopment Authority;URA UserRequirementsAnalysis 用戶需求分析;Karma Ura 院長卡瑪;URA Centre 市區重建局;Magic Ura 關於魔罐;
1.Since this is regarded as a fresh application by the URA, all those who commented last year should make a new comment again! 由於是次屬市建局的新規劃申請,去年曾給意見的朋友請再一次遞交意見書!
2.URA is required to achieve self-financing in the long run. Does the current self-financing model of urban renewal need to be reviewed? 現行策略規定市建局長遠來說必須財政自給。這種以財政自給模式推行市區更新工作有否需要檢討?
3.The case involves URA. ru, the largest news agency in the Ural Mountains region, which has been threatened with a shutdown because of anonymous comments made on its Internet forum. 這個案例涉及俄羅斯烏拉爾通訊社這個烏拉爾山區最大的新聞通訊社。這家通訊社受到被關閉的威脅,原因是匿名者在這個因特網論壇上所作出的評論。
n.變應性紫癜 - anaphylactoid pur ura