decalescence 吸熱;等溫吸熱;相變吸熱;減輝;decalescence point 吸熱點;減輝點;升溫停止點;
1.When MDI and water are heated together, there are reactions of decalescence and give out hot . MDI和水共同加熱時,可以產生放熱及吸熱反應;
2.Firstly, forging die's heat-force process is divided into alternate loop of decalescence process and heat-lossing process. 首先,將熱鍛模熱力過程劃分成吸熱過程和散熱過程的交替循環,並建立鍛模的吸熱模型和散熱模型。
3.According to the low temperature melting decalescence/heat insulation mechanism, a given grade aero-dynamic heat-resistant coating was studied in this paper. 以低溫消融吸熱/隔熱機理為理論指導,研究一種特定耐熱等級的氣動熱防護材料。
4.Along with the increase of decalescence of cooling medium, gas contents increases and degree of dry steam rises. 冷卻介質主流發生相變的點稱之為蒸發點,其後隨著介質不斷吸熱,氣態含量增多,蒸汽干度上升。
n. decalescence point - 等溫吸熱點
n. decalescence point - 退輝點