hypermagnesemia 血鎂過多;高鎂血症;高血鎂症;高鎂血 高鎂血症 高血鎂 高血鎂症 血鎂過多;
1.Objective To study the common reason and therapeutic measure of hypermagnesemia. 目的分析致高鎂血症的常見原因及治療措施。
2.Neurologic symptoms of hypermagnesemia are muscular weakness, paralysis, ataxia, drowsiness, and confusion. 高鎂血症的神經系統症狀表現為肌肉無力、癱瘓、共濟失調、嗜睡和意識模糊。
3.Calcium antagonizes the effects of both potassium and magnesium at the cell membrane. For this reason it is extremely useful for treating the effects of hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia. 鈣對細胞膜的作用與鉀和鎂相反。因此,鈣用於對抗高鉀和高鎂的毒性作用。