





n. repast


meal[mi:l]n. 一餐,一頓飯;膳食vi. 進餐


meal 一頓飯;粉狀物;一餐;巖粉;Indian meal 玉米粉;玉米粉 印度的飯;不是「印度的飯」,而是「玉米粉」。;玉蜀黍;Meal Checking 配膳間;配餐室;blood meal 血粉;血、干血、血粉;血粉 公眾衛生;血粉 漁農;black meal 黑生料;


1.I hope you enjoy your meal. 希望您能喜歡您點的餐!

2.Would you like some wine for you meal? 您需要為您的晚餐點些葡萄酒嗎?

3.I happened on an country inn, and stopped to have a meal. 我偶然發現一家鄉村小酒店,便停下來進去吃飯。


It's our meal from the restaurant. - 這是從餐廳帶回來的菜 。

Your meal will soon be served, please enjoy a drink first. - 你們的菜很快就上,請先喝杯飲料。

He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. - 問我要一頓飯和一杯啤酒。

He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer. - 他每月對這條街上的每戶人家光顧一次,總是請求給他一頓飯和一杯啤酒。

As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. - 這件事剛剛做完,他們就在篝火上燒起了飯。

He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from, but his is free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict other people. - 他可能從不知道下頓飯有無著落,但他不像有人那樣被千萬樁愁事所折磨。

Let us suppose that you are preparing a meal and keeping an eye on the baby at the same time. - 假設你在做飯,同時又在照看孩子。

Meanwhile, the meal gets burnt. - 這時,飯又燒糊了。

Not only was the meal well below the usual standard, but Bessie seemed unable to walk steadily. - 結果,不僅飯菜遠不如平時做得好,而且貝西走起路來似乎東倒西歪。

it may have been because curiosity attracted them and because the scent of a possible meal attracted the sharks. - 那麼它們可能是出於好奇;而鯊魚可能是聞到了可以美食一頓的香味。

In his mouth were the remains of fir trees -- the last meal that he had before he fell into the crevasse and broke his back. - 它嘴裡還留著冷杉 -- 它掉進冰河裂隙折斷脊椎柱之前的最後一頓飯。

At meal times the odour of sauerkraut vies with that of garlic. - 用飯的時候,德國泡菜味和大蒜味爭相散發,

We have our evening meal at about a quarter past six. - 我們6:15分左右吃晚飯。

After three hours, the men stopped for a meal break. - 3小時之後,工人們停下來吃飯。


corn meal culture medium - 玉蜀黍粉培養基

meal for patients; patients diet - 病號飯

barium meal examination - 鋇餐檢查

barium meal examination of esophagus - 食道吞鋇檢查

full meal test - 飽餐試驗


飯後的 - after meal

n.鋇餐 - barium meal

n.鋇餐檢查 - barium meal examination

n.食道吞鋇檢查 - barium meal examination of esophagus

食前 - before meal

骨粉 - bone meal

n.玉蜀黍粉培養基 - corn meal culture medium

n.食後上腹脹滿 - epigastric distension after meal

n.脂肪餐 - fat meal

n.分次試驗餐 - fractional test meal

n.飽餐試驗 - full meal test

n.飯醉 - lethargy after meal

n.連續試餮 - serial test meal

n.試餐 - test meal

n.飯後服 - to be taken after meal

n.飯前服 - to be taken before meal

n.素餐 - vegetarian meal


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