oppose protectionism 反對保護主義;protectionism 保護主義;保護貿易政策;保護制;貿易保護主義;trade protectionism 貿易壁壘;貿易保護主義;保護貿易;economic protectionism 經濟保護主義;tread protectionism 貿易保護主義;
1.One, go up in protectionism, to domestic science by border land measure decision-making change is in international trade, executing protectionism to agriculture is a common phenomenon. 在保護政策上,由邊境措施向國內科學決策轉變在國際貿易中,對農業實行保護政策是一個普遍現象。
2.Whether it really does is debatable (see article), and his accusation antagonised China while stoking the fires of protectionism. 這一論斷是否站得住腳尚有待商榷,但他無疑激怒了中國,也點燃了貿易保護主義的星星之火。
3.The best proof of trade protectionism is that the U. S imposed a 30% ad valorem duty on imported steel. 美國對鋼材加征30%的進口關稅,這就是貿易保護主義的最好例證。
4.And as the presidential election campaign in America progresses, more China-bashing can be expected, with protectionism disguised as noble fury at "coddling dictators". 正在進行的美國總統大選會帶來更多抨擊中國的言論,用貌似高貴的「反對獨裁」來掩飾保護主義目的。
5.Even though some hotels are conglomerated by the government, they still cannot break the barriers of ownership and protectionism to generate real competitiveness. 因此即使這樣一些酒店被政府凝聚在一起,也不能打破所有權和地方保護主義的障礙,產生真正的競爭。