





v. agnise ,discern ,know ,recognise


recognize['rekəɡnaiz]vt. 認出,識別;承認vi. 確認,承認;具結


recognize 認得,認出,注意;識別;認出,識別;認可;recognize circuit 識別電路;辨識電路;Recognize you 還認得你;Scientists recognize 科學家認為;in recognize 另外,加之;另外;


1.I recognize you now.You are Mary's husband. 我現在認出你來了,你是瑪麗的丈夫。

2.Recognize the importance of give and take. 認識到給予和獲得的重要性。

3.And how will I recognize it should it find me? 以及如何將我認識到它應該是找到我嗎?


Oh, Miss Li. This is Tom. I didn't recognize your voice. - 噢,李小姐。我是湯姆。我沒聽出你的聲音。

It's John. Didn't you recognize my voice? - 我是約翰。你沒聽出我的聲音?

Of course you recognize him. - 你當然認得他。

You don't recognize me, do you? - 你不認識我了, 是嗎?

I recognize that he is more clever than I am. - 我承認他比我聰明。

Who is this?I don't recognize your voice. - 你是誰?我不認出你的聲音。

How did you recognize him? - 你是如何認識他的?

Who is calling?I don't recognize your voice. - 誰打來的電話?我聽不出你的聲音。

Who is speaking?I don't recognize your voice. - 閣下是那一位?我聽不出你的聲音。

Who is this?I don't recognize your voice. - 你是誰?我聽不出你的聲音。

Can you recognize that woman,Mary? - 你能認出那個女人是誰了嗎,瑪麗?

Yes.I recognize him now. - 是他。我現在認出他來了。

Can you recognize that woman, Liz? - 莉茲,你能認出那個女人嗎?

Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, they had taken special precautions so that no one should recognize them. - 他們戴著墨鏡,穿著舊衣裳,特別小心以防別人認出他們。

A truly dedicated bargain hunter must have patience, and above all, the ability to recognize the worth of something when he sees it. - 一個到處找便宜的人必須具有耐心,而且最重要的是看到珍品時要有鑒別珍品的能力。

The Swedes were the first to recognize that public official like civil servants, police officers, health inspectors or tax-collectors can make mistakes or act over-zealously in the belief that they are serving the public. - 是瑞典人首先認識到政府工作人員如文職人員、警官、衛生稽查員、稅務人員等等也會犯錯誤或者自以為在為公眾服務而把事情做過了頭。

so that I was positive I should recognize it as familiar territory. - 因此,我相信這段路對我來說會是很熟悉的。

the bank must recognize its customer's signature. - 因為銀行有責任辯認出其儲戶的簽名。

It was necessary to recognize that these institutions which are based on the same premises, - 必須認識到,這些建立在相同前提基礎上的風俗,

If you recognize yourself in this description, - 如果你覺得你的情況是這樣的話,

Mathilde! Oh yes. Sorry, I didn't recognize you. Where have you been all these years, Mathilde? I hope you weren't ill. You don't look very well. - 瑪蒂爾德!真的是你呀!對不起,我沒有認出你來。這些年你上哪兒去了,瑪蒂爾德?我想你沒有病吧,你的臉色看來不太好。

First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from everyone else. To help you do this, read the following questions and write down the answers: - 首先,重要的一點是要瞭解你自己是個什麼樣的人,有哪些特殊的品質使你與眾不同。為了幫助你做到這一點,閱讀下面的問題並寫下答案。


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