





n. stenosis


stricture['striktʃə]n. 狹窄;苛評;非難


stricture 狹窄;責難;縮窄;限制;valvate stricture 活門間隙;secondary stricture 次阻塞〔指鼻腔阻塞;Pyloric Stricture 狗狗的幽門狹窄;granulation stricture 釋義:肉芽性狹窄;


1.The incidence rate of anastomotic stricture was 5%, and it related to operation styles(P<0. 05). 吻合口狹窄的發生率為5%,狹窄的發生與手術方式有統計學差異(P<0。05)。

2.Objective To analyse the nursing of esophageal and cardiac stricture with placing stents under endoscope. 目的分析食管貴門狹窄行胃鏡下擴張及支架植入術時的護理體會。

3.Objective To analyze the effect of covered endo-esophageal stent in treating symptomatic patient with malignant esophageal stricture and esophagobronchial fistula. 目的分析放置覆膜支架對緩解食管癌食管狹窄及食管-支氣管瘺臨床症狀的作用。


congenital annular stricture of upper extremity - 先天性上肢環狀狹窄

congenital stricture of eustachian tube - 先天性咽鼓管狹窄

congenital stricture of external auditory meatus - 先天性外耳道狹窄

congenital stricture of small intestine - 先天性小腸狹窄

congenital stricture of urethra - 先天性尿道狹窄

congential stricture of rectum - 先天性直腸狹窄

congenital stricture of vesicourethral orifice - 先天性膀胱尿道口狹窄

congenital stricture of ureteropelvic junction - 先天性輸尿管腎盂接處狹窄

congenital stricture of esophagus - 先天性食管狹窄

stricture of eustachian tube - 咽鼓管狹窄

cicatricial stricture of larynx - 喉瘢痕性狹窄

post-traumatic stricture of urethra - 外傷後尿道狹窄

post-traumatic stricture of rectum - 外傷後直腸狹窄

post-traumatic stricture of anus - 外傷後肛門狹窄

post-traumatic stricture of ureter - 外傷後輸尿管狹窄

traumatic stricture of pharynx - 外傷性咽狹窄

stricture of external auditory canal - 外耳道狹窄

infective stricture of eustachian tube - 感染性咽鼓管狹窄

infective stricture of urethra - 感染性尿道狹窄

infective stricture of rectum - 感染性直腸狹窄

infective stricture of anus - 感染性肛門狹窄

infective stricture of ureter - 感染性輸尿管狹窄

postoperative stricture of pharynx - 手術後咽狹窄

postoperative stricture of rectum - 手術後直腸狹窄

postoperative stricture of anus - 手術後肛門狹窄

postoperative stricture of billiary tract - 手術後膽道狹窄

congenital stricture of vagina; stria; stripe - 紋

stricture of anus - 肛門狹窄

stenosis of biliary tract; stricture of biliary tract - 膽道狹窄

stricture of pancreatic duct - 胰管狹窄

segmental stricture of pancreatic duct - 胰管節段性狹窄

stricture of vesicourethral orifice - 膀胱尿道口狹窄

stricture of the ureter; ureterostenosis - 輸尿管狹窄

stricture of the ureteropelvic junction - 輸尿管腎盂交界處狹窄

stricture of ureteropelvic junction - 輸尿管腎盂接處狹窄

stricture the ureterovesical orifice - 輸尿管膀胱交界處狹窄

stricture of ureterovesical orifice - 輸尿管膀胱開口處狹窄

stricture of vas - 輸精管狹窄

stricture ring of vagina - 陰道狹窄環

removal of stricture ring of vagina - 陰道狹窄環切除術

benign stricture of cervical part of esophagus - 頸段食管良性狹窄

cicartricial stricture of esophagus; esophageal cicatricial stenosis - 食管瘢痕狹窄


n.環形狹窄 - annular stricture

n.頸段食管良性狹窄 - benign stricture of cervical part of esophagus

n.橫帶狹窄 - bridle stricture

n.鼻淚管狹窄眥分離術 - cantholysis of naso-lacrimal duct stricture

n.食管瘢痕狹窄 - cicartricial stricture of esophagus

瘢痕狹窄,瘢痕性狹窄 - cicatricial stricture

n.喉瘢痕性狹窄 - cicatricial stricture of larynx

n.先天性上肢環狀狹窄 - congenital annular stricture of upper extremity

n.先天性食管狹窄 - congenital stricture of esophagus

n.先天性咽鼓管狹窄 - congenital stricture of eustachian tube

n.先天性外耳道狹窄 - congenital stricture of external auditory meatus

n.先天性小腸狹窄 - congenital stricture of small intestine

n.先天性輸尿管腎盂接處狹窄 - congenital stricture of ureteropelvic junction

n.先天性尿道狹窄 - congenital stricture of urethra

n.紋 - congenital stricture of vagina

n.先天性膀胱尿道口狹窄 - congenital stricture of vesicourethral orifice

n.先天性直腸狹窄 - congential stricture of rectum

食管狹窄 - esophageal stricture

機能性狹窄 - functional stricture

n.杭納氏狹窄 - hunners stricture

n.不可通性狹窄 - impermeable stricture

n.感染性肛門狹窄 - infective stricture of anus

n.感染性咽鼓管狹窄 - infective stricture of eustachian tube

n.感染性直腸狹窄 - infective stricture of rectum

n.感染性輸尿管狹窄 - infective stricture of ureter

n.感染性尿道狹窄 - infective stricture of urethra

n.腸狹窄 - intestinal stricture

敏感性狹窄 - irritable stricture

器質性狹窄 - organic stricture

n.可通性狹窄 - passable stricture

n.可通性狹窄 - permeable stricture

n.外傷後肛門狹窄 - post-traumatic stricture of anus

n.外傷後直腸狹窄 - post-traumatic stricture of rectum

n.外傷後輸尿管狹窄 - post-traumatic stricture of ureter

n.外傷後尿道狹窄 - post-traumatic stricture of urethra

n.手術後肛門狹窄 - postoperative stricture of anus

n.手術後膽道狹窄 - postoperative stricture of billiary tract

n.手術後咽狹窄 - postoperative stricture of pharynx

n.手術後直腸狹窄 - postoperative stricture of rectum

n.陰道狹窄環切除術 - removal of stricture ring of vagina

n.節段性狹窄 - segmental stricture

n.胰管節段性狹窄 - segmental stricture of pancreatic duct

脊柱狹窄 - spinal stricture

n.外傷性咽狹窄 - traumatic stricture of pharynx

輸尿管狹窄 - ureteral stricture

n.尿道狹窄 - urethral stricture

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