toddies['tɔdi]n. 棕櫚汁;棕櫚酒
Toddies 特迪;熱甜酒;
1.Often we sat by the fire drinking hot toddies and discussing the life back there in the States. 我們經常坐在火爐旁,喝著加了熱水的烈酒談論在美國時的生活。
2.HOT TODDIES, Gluehwein, Eggnog, Irish coffee, Amaretto hot chocolate and many more hot drinks, which take the chill out of your bones, will be available all winter long. 熱棕櫚酒,煮紅酒、雞蛋飲品、愛爾蘭咖啡、意大利苦杏酒熱巧克力以及更多熱飲帶給您,這樣的溫暖和熱情讓您整個冬天不再寒冷。
3.HOT TODDIES, Gluehwein, Eggnog, Irish coffee, Amaretto hot chocolate and many more hot drinks, which take the chill out of your bones, will be available all winter long. 熱棕櫚酒,煮紅酒、蛋飲品、爾蘭咖啡、大利苦杏酒熱巧克力以及更多熱飲帶給您,這樣的溫暖和熱情讓您整個冬天不再寒冷。