





carried['kærid]adj. 被運的;入神的;忘我的v. 保持(carry的過去式和過去分詞);搬運


carried 入神的;忘我的;隨風而起;被運的;carried down 移後;轉入下頁;轉入次頁;過次頁;Carried honor 優先開球權;carried fluid 載液;carried on 林德薩還在繼續戰鬥;繼續;


1.The ship carried a total of 94 people, including scientists. 這艘船總共載了94人,包括一些科學家。

2.Before getting carried away let's look at the present situation of language teaching. 在你進入狀態之前,讓我們先來看看目前的語言教學形勢。

3.When facing the fierce rivalry and challenge , the company have carried out advanced scientific management and built close mass guarantee system. 公司在面對激烈的競爭與挑戰時,實行了先進的科學管理,建立了嚴密的質量保證體系。


We are sure the contract can be carried out smoothly. - 我們確信合同會順利執行的。

A full cup must be carried steadily. - 杯滿盈,須持穩。

Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. - 昨天,一隻鴿子把第一封信從平赫特帶到錫爾伯裡。

Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. - 有兩個人把包裹拿下飛機,進了海關。

Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house. - 由於天氣很熱,他便把床搬到了他的屋頂上。

the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house. - 傷心地撿起了床墊,把它拿進了屋。

Meanwhile, two other actors, Rockwall Slinger and Merlin Greeves, had carried two large food baskets to a shady spot under some trees. - 「此時,另外兩位演員,羅克沃爾。斯林格和默林。格裡夫斯,已經把兩個大食品籃子提到了一片樹蔭下。

steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the Channel from Europe. - 但汽船還是把成千上萬的參觀者從歐洲大陸送過了英吉利海峽。

A small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line. - 一條小漁船被一條咬住鉤的強壯的大魚拖到了幾英里以外的海面上。

Television cameras and newspapers carried the news to everyone in the country. - 電視攝像機和報紙把消息傳送到全國。

Lawn mowers whining on a summer's day, late-night parties in apartment blocks, noisy neighbors, vehicles of al kinds, especially large container trucks thundering through quiet village, planes and helicopters flying overhead, large radios carried round in - 夏天嗚嗚作響的割草機,公寓樓裡深夜聚會的喧嘩聲,大聲吵鬧的鄰居,各式各樣的車輛,特別是穿越寂靜的村莊的集裝箱卡車,從頭頂飛過的飛機和直升機,被帶到公共場所、音量開到最大的大功率收音機。

While she always criticized the fickleness of human nature, she carried on an unrelenting search for the ideal servant to the end of her days, - 她一方面總是批評人的本性朝三暮四,另一方面她又持之以恆地尋找一個理想的傭人。

One is the general atmosphere of secrecy in which it is carried out, - 一是科研工作中普遍存在的保密氣氛;

The two boys carried the man to the school gate keeper's room. - 兩個男孩將那個人抬到了學校門衛的房間。

He wore a small black hat, very wide trousers, a moustache and carried a stick that he swung in the air as he walked. - 他頭戴一頂小黑帽,身穿一條非常寬大的褲子,嘴上留著小鬍子,手提著一根他邊走邊在空中揮舞的手杖。

What shocked him most was that the men who carried him were black. - 最使他感到驚奇的是,把他運走的人都是黑人。

Fortunately we found some that was still dry and carried it back to the cave. - 幸好,我們找到了一些干木柴,並把木柴抱回巖洞。

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