endoabbr. 日本株式會社遠籐公司
ENDO 日本遠籐;業務代表;業務專員;用端部滑行;endo protease 內切蛋白酶;內切蛋白;endo form 春孢型;Yasuhito Endo 遠籐保仁;遠滕保仁;中場 遠籐保仁;You Endo 遠籐優;
1.What are ye for?' he shouted. 'T' master's down i' t' fold. Go round by th' endo' t' laith, if ye went to spake to him. 你要幹什麼?他喊道,主人不在羊欄那邊,繞過穀倉去找他,如果你有事找他的話。
2.A soaring, powerful, and aesthetically stunning gymnast, Tomita left an impression on his generation similar to the footprints left behind by Endo and Tsukahara. 作為一個迅速躥紅的,強大的,從美學觀點上令人震驚的體操運動員,富田給一代人留下的印象與遠籐幸雄和塚原光男的足跡極其相似。
3.Han is the only list from China and more than the players, is one of 11 Asian players, our neighbors South Korea and Japan were selected player is Kim Nam-il and Endo Hui Bao. 韓鵬是這份名單中唯一來自中國和中超的球員,也是11名亞洲球員之一,我們的近鄰韓日分別入選的球員是金南一和遠籐保仁。
endo glucosidase; endoglucosidase - 內切糖甘酶
endo intoxication; endointoxication - 內原性中毒
endo configuration; endoconfiguration - 內向構型
endo exocrine; endoexocrine - 內外分泌的
endexoteric; endo exoteric; endoexoteric - 內外因的
endo antitoxin; endoantitoxin - 內抗毒素
endo amylase - 內澱粉酶
endo trypsin; endotrypsin - 內胰蛋白酶
endo enteritis; endoenteritis; enteromycodermitis - 腸粘膜炎
endo tryptase; endopeptidase; endotryptase - 肽鏈內切酶